Discussing What Contributes To Good Health

Full Potential Proactive Program Patient Success Story

“I’ve been a part of the Full Potential’s Proactive Program for a little over three years and I’ve learned so much about my body!”

“I’ve been a part of Full Potential’s Proactive Program for a little over three years. I come once every three months for a routine check up and I have found these appointments to be vital for my long term health.

Physical Therapy began for me when I had tingling and numbness in my leg about four years ago. Full Potential played a key role in helping me find the root cause of my issue and recommended I get an MRI, the results lead to surgery. After surgery, I began physical therapy at Full Potential for rehabilitation. It was a very rewarding experience that taught me so much about my own body. During rehab, one of the main goals for me was to be able to lift 25 pounds safely because having a one year old son required me to do so. Every appointment was tailored to what I needed at that time and it helped a ton to have a PT that always knew where to pick right back up from. After rehab, they recommend I come in after 3 months have passed to check on my alignment and to ensure that I was doing my exercises correctly. The check- up appointment turned out to be a positive experience where I regained motivation to keep myself well. I then scheduled another appointment in 3 months and since then, I have been doing that! These 3 month appointments keep me accountable and motivated. Every time I come in, I feel motivated to continue my exercises at home and continue to be aware of my body. I feel like since coming here, I have learned so much about my body and I feel like I’ve learned to appreciate what my body is capable of. It’s a small commitment, with huge benefits that last until your next scheduled appointment. I find it to be an investment in my long term health and you can’t put a price tag on that. I always tell people to not underestimate what can be done in an hour. Everyone should have their own Physical Therapist because it is that beneficial!”

- Susan J.

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