Curriculum Studies Guide 2021

Modern Languages

In learning languages, students learn to communicate in an additional language, develop their capacity to learn other languages and explore different world views in relation to their own (Framework for teaching and learning languages in English-medium schools). They learn highly transferable skills which will equip them for success both personally and professionally in the increasingly small global village in which we live. A language combined with commercial training opens the door to an international business career. The Learning Language area of the New Zealand curriculum structures this learning into three main strands: communication, language knowledge and cultural knowledge. The ultimate aim is to produce independent inter-cultural speakers who can successfully use their linguistic proficiency to interact across cultural boundaries and engage meaningfully with others. The Modern Languages department encourages students to take advantage of our excellent exchange opportunities with schools in France and Japan which have been built up over the years. The return host partners always contribute greatly to College life and enrich not only the academic and cultural learning within classrooms, but also the wider school community. Te Reo, French and Japanese are offered in 2021. In addition, administrative and pastoral support is offered for Mandarin via Te Kura NZ Correspondence School under set conditions. Note: If a student opts out of a language at the end of Year 9 he is unable to pick this language up again at a later date unless he has had the requisite tutoring in the interim period. Similarly a student cannot enter a Year 10 language class without Year 9 previous learning or equivalent.


Christ’s College Canterbury

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