

First community grant approvals of 2016


use of or reduced user fees for local muni- cipal facilities for upcoming special events during the remainder of the winter season and in the spring. The Embrun Skating Club receives an in-kind grant worth $325 until April on the rental cost of the Embrun Arena for its off-ice clinics. The Heart & Stroke Foundation will have an in-kind grant valued at $309 for the cost of the Embrun Community Centre for its Jan. 19 heart and stroke awareness rally. Valoris for Children and Adults will have an in-kind grant worth $727.68 to cover the cost of use of the Embrun bowling alley for its Family Day schedule of activities on Feb. 15.The non-profit social service agency will also receive an in-kind grant valued at $309 to cover the cost of the Embrun Community Centre for its Princess and Heroes Ball on April 16.The agency also has an in-kind grant worth $1200 for the cost of Embrun Arena hall every Tuesday andThursday afternoon until Feb. 16 for its CDL program. The 5 Cyclone Air Cadets squadron will receive an in-kind grant of $1416 value to- wards the rental cost of hall rentals for its annual parade and use of the Embrun Arena hall and slab for practices. Council also approved an in-kind grant of $75 for the Telus Motorcycle Ride for Dad event on June 4 to cover the cost of use of the Embrun Arena that day for the event. Embrun will be one of the stops on the event poker run itinerary.

Ringing in the new year during their first official meeting of 2016, Russell Township council approved a baker’s half-dozen community grant applications. All seven of the requests are for in-kind grants from the township regarding at-cost Sports Dome consultation process begins Residents eager to see a community sports dome rise up in Russell Township will have a chance to offer ideas for the facilities within. The Russell KinClub, on behalf of Russell Township, will hold a public consultation session Feb. 2, 7 p.m., at the Embrun Com- munity Centre. The club, which is the original proponent and promoter for the sports dome project, has also set up an online survey at The proposed site for the dome is on a parcel of municipal land located between the villages of Embrun and Russell. Preliminary estimate on the cost for the project is between $2.5 million to $3 million but the actual total will not be known until a final decision is made. it will accommodate. Volunteers willing to take part in related activities for the project can contact club representative Doug Anthony at 613-445-6483 or at kinclubofrussell@gmail. com. – Gregg Chamberlain

The Embrun Skating Club received an in-kind grant worth $325 until April on the rental cost of the Embrun Arena, pictured above. Phone scam still calling around April may be still weeks away but con artists are calling ahead to try and trick residents in Eastern Ontario with a phony tax man scam. An OPP report warns that several homeowners have received threatening calls from someone claiming to be a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) employee and war- ning the target of the call that they were arrears and could see their bank accounts frozen and a lien placed on their homes if they did not pay off their alleged debt. The caller always tries to get personal or financial identification information from the victim, including bank account numbers and access codes. The CRA does not phone or email people about their income tax files or ask for personal information over the phone or through an email. The CRA already has all the information it requires in its own income tax data files. Anyone who receives a call from someone claiming to be with the CRA should refuse to provide any information and hang up. They should report the incident to the police, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, and also the CRA. – Gregg Chamberlain

L’HGH est un hôpital communautaire bilingue, à vocaƟon régionale, axé sur le paƟent et sa famille. Notre équipe de plus de 100 médecins et 600 employés est dévouée à l’excellence en soins de santé et mise sur le travail d’équipe, l’innovaƟon et le leadership. L’HGH deviendra un centre hospitalier régional à service complet d’ici 2018 et oīrira plus de services spécialisés, plus près du domicile. RECRUTEMENT—CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION Représentez votre communauté en siégeant au conseil d’administraƟon de l’Hôpital Général de Hawkesbury & District (HGH)  Leconseild’administraƟondel’HGHestuneenƟtéforméede17membres,dont12membresnomméset 5membresd’oĸce.AĮndecomblerdespostesàvenir,noussommesàlarecherchedecandidatsqui:  x désirents’impliqueràtitredereprésentantsdelacommunautédesservieparl’HGH; x possèdentunecompréhensiondesbesoinsensantédesrésidentsdePrescottetRussell; x démontrentunengagementcommunautairesoutenu; x ontacquisdel’expérienceengouvernanceauseind’autresconseils.  Lesmembresduconseild’administraƟondel’HGHdoiventêtrerésidentsdesComtésunisdePrescoƩet Russell, du canton de Glengarry Nord ou demeurer dans la grande région de Champlain tel que déĮni danslaLoide2006surl’intégraƟondusystèmedesantélocal.  Sivous rencontrezlescritèresdesélecƟonénumérésciͲhautetqu’unpostedebénévoleauseind’un conseil d’administraƟon engagé à bien représenter sa communauté vous intéresse, veuillez nous faire parvenirvotrecurriculumvitaeà: Jo-anne Laviolette Présidente,ComitédescandidaturesetdelaformaƟon HôpitalGénéraldeHawkesbury&District 1111,rueGhislain,Hawkesbury,(Ont.)K6A3G5  VousêtesinvitésàsoumeƩrevotrecandidature avant 16 h le 5 février 2016. PourtoutequesƟon,vous pouvezcommuniqueravecJoͲanneLavioleƩeau613298Ͳ  Avant de m’engager à Ɵtre de membre du CA de l’HGH, je connaissais très peu du milieu de la santé. Aujourd’hui, après trois années au conseil de l’HGH, je réalise toute la contribuƟon qu’une personne peut apporter à l’amélioraƟon des services de santé de la région en siégeant au conseil d’administraƟon de l’HGH. JoͲanne LavioleƩe, résidente du village de Casselman Membre du CA—novembre 2012 à ce jour LeComitédescandidaturesetdelaformaƟonestàlarecherche depersonnespoursiégerauconseild’administraƟondel’HGH. 

HGH is a family and paƟentͲcentred bilingual community hospital with a regional focus. Our team of more than 100 physicians and 600 employees is commiƩed to excellence in healthcare and relies on teamwork, innovaƟon and leadership. HGH will become a fullͲservice regional hospital by 2018 and provide more specialty services, closer to home. RECRUITMENT—BOARD OF DIRECTORS Represent your community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital (HGH)  TheNominaƟngandEducaƟonCommiƩee isseekingmemberstoserveontheHGHBoardofDirectors.  TheHGHBoardofDirectorsisanenƟtycomprisedof17members,namely12appointedmembersand5 exoĸciomembers.TheBoardisseekingcandidatestoĮllvacantposiƟons.Thesuccessfulcandidates:  x wanttobeinvolvedinrepresenƟngtheinterestsofthecommunityservedbyHGH; x understandthehealthcareneedsoftheresidentsofPrescoƩandRussell; x demonstrateongoingcommunityengagement; x havegovernanceexperienceonotherboards;  HGHBoardmembersmustresideintheUnitedCounƟesofPrescoƩandRussell,theTownshipofNorth GlengarryorresideinthebroaderChamplainregionasdeĮnedbytheLocalHealthSystemIntegraƟon Act,2006.  If you meet the above criteria and you are interested in a volunteer posiƟon on a dynamic Board of DirectorscommiƩedtorepresentitscommunity,pleaseforwardyourcurriculumvitaeto:  Jo-anne Laviolette Chair,NominaƟngandEducaƟonCommiƩee Hawkesbury&DistrictGeneralHospital 1111GhislainStreet,Hawkesbury,ONK6A3G5  YourcandidacymustbesubmiƩed before 4:00 p.m. on February 5 th , 2016. ForquesƟons,pleasecontactJoͲanneLavioleƩeat613298Ͳ  Prior to becoming a member of the HGH Board of Directors, I knew very liƩle of the health system. Today, aŌer three years on the HGH Board, I realize the many contribuƟons that a person can make to improve health services in the region by serving on the HGH Board. JoͲanne LavioleƩe, Resident of the Village of Casselman Member of the HGH Board of Directors—November 2012 to date

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