


Compassionate Marketing for Real Estate Investors


by Nancy Wallace-Laabs

• How can you add value to someone who is in need of service? • What problem can you solve for the property owner? • How can you ease some of their stress during this time of being shut in? • How can you get to the closing table while everyone is working from home? • And ultimately, how can you make a difference in the life of the people you are contacting?

real estate investors, we often need to remember to be people

I personally market consistently to probate leads. My message has had to change with the pandemic — I am still able to close deals, but my approach to sellers is softer and with more compassion, not only is the family dealing with the death of a loved one, but every family I have worked with has been hit emotion- ally by COVID-19 either through job loss, threat of losing their home, or a family member that is struggling to overcome COVID-19. Times are changing for real estate investors, and those investors who are out solely for the “deal” will be left in


first, and deal with the emotional struggles a family might be facing. That has never been more apparent than during the pandemic. For your business to survive the pandemic, not just grow, remember how you are able to add value to a family that might need to sell because they lit - erally need the money due to job loss during COVID-19. The marketing strategy that you as a real estate investor should incor - porate in these tough times requires asking these questions:

68 | think realty magazine :: march 2021

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