October, 1945
thgy were to preach the Gospel. In or- dotethat we may keep this in mind, I will put a red cross in the top of the envelope. Now, let us start hunting for hid den words. - 1 will move the red cross down a little, covering the letter “P” and we now see the word “REACH.” -'Christ wanted His followers to preach the Gospel in order that they might reach with the message of sal vation those who were lost. There are those in every land 7who will be reached in this way if the Gospel-is preached. Next, we move the cross down un- - tip-the “R” is covered, and we dis- ccjver the word, “EACH.” It is the will of-God that each one might be reached by the preaching of ,the Gospel, for He said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
us^ being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Where Christ is acknowledged as the head in the church, and the members of the church work harmoniously to gether, the prayer of Christ is an swered, “That they, may be-made per fect in one; and that, the world may f know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me” (John 17:23). The world will recognize the love of Christ and the love of God .when it sees Christians working together har moniously as one. FIVE GENERATIONS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. § . . . . Because, foi\.T2 years,, they have found the quality of all Ralphs goods ¡.to .be abso lutely dependable . . . always- backed by Ralphs guarantee . . . Because they like variety, fair prices, good service, and courtesy. - ^
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Object: A piece of paper 814x11 indhes. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of Va- inch. In this space print the word “WORKING.” Near the top print the word “CHURCH.” Open the flaps and using the letters in the word “WORK ING” complete the following words, “WORD, HARMONIOUSLY, TOGETH ER,. ACKNOWLEDGING, CHRIST, IN and EVERYTHING.” Close the flaps and line to represent the doors of a church.) Lesson: Looking t h r o u g h the doors of this church, we see the word “WORKING.” In no other organiza tion do we find so many people from su'ch different walks in life working happily together. Let us open the doors of the church and see if we can di§bover the. secret. As soon as we open the doors, we notice three words, “WORK HARMON IOUSLY TOGETHER.” We are im mediately reminded of Christ’s prayer in. John 17:21, “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may be one in us.” The last four words go together, “ACKNOWLEDGING CHRIST IN EV ERYTHING.” We have a good ex ample of this way of working for Christ in the fifteenth chapter of Acts, verses 25 and 26, “It seemed good unto
THE MOUNTAIN MISSION Our work comprises all phases of mission ary endeavor, inclusive of Bible Memory Program in 65 cpunties of Tennessee, Ala bama,. and Georgia. The Mission now owns 40-acre camp ground on which 12 cabins, etc., are to be erected for Bible conference work for young and old. Pray. For informa tion write:. Rev. A. J. Levengood, Supt., Box 45, Dayton, Tenn. K e e p C H R I S T i n C H R I S T M A S by distributing our Christmas Tracts and Cards. They will please you and bless others. Send 25c for BIG Sample Pack . . . NOW . . . to make your selection in time. Mail early for overseas. FAITH, PRAYER and TRACT LEAGUE Dept. K X , Muskegon H eights, Mich.
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