6 Amazing Benefits Of Good Posture

Will You Be Flying Soon?

TIPS FOR FLYING WITH BACK PAIN Here are a few things to think about when you must fly with back pain. Some of them may sound obvious but it is good to be mindful of the things that will put you in a position to have the best outcome possible on a flight.

Wear clothing that allows you to move freely . Do not wear anything constrictive or heavy. Try not to fall asleep. This can be difficult but it is better to stay awake and move than to fall asleep and be in an uncomfortable position which may aggravate your back pain. If you feel you may need to sleep take a headrest cushion with you and request additional pillows. When in your seat, use the pillows and take a lumbar support if you need to help you get in a more comfortable position. Airline seats were not designed for people with back pain but there is a lot you can do with blankets and pillows to put you in a good position to prevent pain. If it helps you, put your feet on a raised area to bring your knees and hips in a better alignment; you will need to experiment with this. Do ask for assistance. Do not try to struggle with putting luggage in the overhead bins. These tips will help you get to your work or vacation destination as comfortably as possible!

Drink lots of water on the flight. Particularly if you are taking back pain medication. It’s easy to get dehydrated at higher altitudes, especially if you have back pain and disc problems. Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol as these will only dehydrate you further. Move around as much as possible and at least once an hour get out of your seat and walk up and down the aisles. If you are following a back care stretching and strengthening exercise system, then try to do some of these exercises. Do be courteous to other passengers. It should be possible to do the standing exercises without causing any inconvenience. More than likely, you can possibly use the galley if you request politely of the cabin crew at times when it is not too busy.

Image courtesy of pio3 / Shutterstock.com

Correct sitting posture at a work station: 1. Laptop or tablet should be at eye level.

a box or stool. This prevents increased strain on your legs. 4. Pull the chair in close to your keyboard- no reaching or leaning forward. 5. Take frequent breaks from sitting; be sure to stretch every 20-30 minutes to give your body a break from staying in one position.


2. Wrists should be slightly higher than elbows or at same level so arms are relaxed. You may have to adjust the height of your chair to achieve this level. 3. Your feet should be touching the floor comfortably. If you cannot touch the floor, use

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