King's Business - 1927-11

N ovember 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

been swindled out of all their savings through some of thé bogus investments that are so highly advertised. Such in­ vestments are marketed in America with greater ease than any other country, due probably to our citizens being more of a newspaper-reading public, and to the presence of “high-powered salesmen” who have learned all the tricks of psychology. Harper’s Magazine declares “there seems to be no sex in suckers, and one of the strangest traits of the psychology of both men and women is their habit of coming back for more. ‘Once bitten, twice shy,’ does not hold; of the average sucker the adage should read, ‘Once bitten, twice as eager.’ Confidence men know this. There are SO places in New York City where ‘sucker lists’ are compiled and sold. The names of those who have once invested in bogus schemes bring high rates, but for chronic biters the rate is, much. higher.” Are you on the list? * * * Some of our good friends have seemed to feel that T he K ing ’ s B usiness at­ tempted in its report of the Presbyterian

and mutilates the great universal primer of the race. “It may be a feat of schol­ arship,” says one daily paper, “but those who learned the great language of Scrip­ ture in childhood will not willingly see its truths decked out in the literary flippery of the moderns to serve no purpose but to show the ingenuity of translators in find­ ing new modes of expression,” The At­ lanta Journal goes so far as to say that these present-day scholars may know more about Greek and Hebrew than did those of the seventeenth century, but that if they know half as much English, it is not revealed in this translation. * * * ‘ “I am convinced that T he K ing ' s B usiness is the best magazine printed on the planet,” writes a subscriber who reads several of the leading religious period­ icals. That’s only one man’s opinion, but it helps in these days when most people write letters only when they have some fault to find. * * * Almost every day we hear of Christian people—very often ministers-^who have

General Assembly to whitewash the Mod­ ernists and conceal the real conditions. We will, therefore, quote Dr. Mark Mat­ thews of Seattle, Washington, whom no one will mistake for “a middle-of-the- roader.” Dr. Matthews says: “Perhaps no other assembly was more inaccurately reported by the metropolitan press. When­ ever the Associated Press dispatches car­ ried articles or headlines purporting to refer to battles between the Modernist and the Fundamentalist, they were abso­ lutely false. Never were more inaccurate reports made by the metropolitan press than they made in their statements say­ ing that the Modernists had won this or that question. There were no issues be­ fore the Assembly had opportunity to ex­ press itself on the question of the great fundamental doctrines of the church, it was ninety-nine p e r, cent solid for the great fundamental doctrines of God’s in­ fallible Word, our matchless constitution, Book of Church Order, and Confession of Faith. The last Assembly was one of the strongest, most fundamental, most de­ cidedly evangelistic Assemblies in many years.”

The greatest opportunity the church has ever faced

is before it today in .America


ECENTLY an Anti-Bible and Anti-Christian club in New York State appealed to the highest court in the State to forbid the releasing of children from school on school time for the purpose of going to classes for Bible and religious training. To the honor of that great State the courts have declared that it is quite in harmony with the constitution of the State and America to make proper provision to teach children the Word of God in school time. This is a growing conviction in America at this time and is one of the church’s great challenges. Are we prepared to take advantage of it? If so we must be prepared to do the work in a thorough way. The one who teaches the things that pertain to the highest and most vital interests of life can not be less prepared than the one who teaches Science, Literature and Languages. T he B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles fully realizes this fact and is doing its utmost to thoroughly prepare young men and women to meet this crisis in the church. To this end we seek: F ir s t : T o lead them into a genuine experience of Christ and to surround them with an atmosphere of genuine Christian living. S econd : To give them a thorough knowledge of the Bible in all of its applications to life and its responsibilities. For this purpose we have secured some of the very greatest Bible teachers in the world for our staff. T h ir d : T o train them in the very best and most approved methods of work and teaching under thoroughly trained teachers who have had a wide experience in public school work. We are convinced that this is one of the most important pieces of work that we can possibly do and we are appealing to the Christian men and women to whom God has entrusted money to help us carry it on. Our work is interdenominational and we earnestly seek to cooperate with and serve all evangelical churches and pastors. In addition to this we offer a large number of courses in other subjects and carry on varied evangelistic activities. If America is not going to become pagan and lose its opportunity we must teach our children the Word of God—the thing that has made America possible. Will you help us to do this?

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