... continued from Cover
would have been perfectly happy to put some work into the house.
This kind of misleading marketing can be found in any industry. For example, I have seen tax resolution firms run ads that promise to get levies released in 24 hours. The problem is that we don’t have any say over whether a levy is going to be released or not. You can do the work, but the IRS has the final word. Without a disclaimer like “if eligible” or “under certain conditions” on that marketing message, you’re misleading people. Be congruent in your marketing messaging. Don’t make claims that aren’t accurate and don’t make promises you can’t keep. The goal for your marketing should always be to under promise and over deliver. People only do business with those who they trust and like. The first way to build trust is to follow through on what your marketing says.
–Michael Rozbruch
Congratulations Patrick Noone on the publication of your new book, “Solve Your Tax Problem, NOW!”
Kudos to Patrick and Julie Sheehan for the purchase of your 2021 Grand Design 397th camper and for showing us that success also means you can follow your dreams, head out on the road, and work anywhere in the world!
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