PTII: Spinal Stenosis

Air Flex Flexion & Distraction TABLE Health Tips

Spinal stenosis is a common finding in the spines of back pain sufferers, particularly those who are older. Baby boomers talk about the aches and pains that come with aging, and back pain due to spinal stenosis is a likely culprit. Spinal stenosis may be in the neck, mid-back or low back. Spinal stenosis may cause just back or neck pain as well as accompanying arm pain or leg pain. Fortunately, surgery is not always necessary to relief spinal stenosis pain. Non-surgical relief for spinal stenosis may be achieved with Cox Technic and the Air Flex Flexion & Distraction Table. The Air-Flex Flexion and Distraction Table is a treatment table designed to allow easy manual flexion adjustments for chiropractic medicine, physical therapy, massage therapy, and more. This table features air-controlled flexion as well as distraction that is operated using a pressure pedal. The table is electrically height adjustable, and is available with a wide range of optional

customizations that allow practitioners to adapt the table to their specific needs and the needs of their patients. The Air-Flex Flexion and Distraction Table comes standard with a locking thoracic release section, lateral flexion and rotation with the leg section, and a slide-out foot section with ankle wraps. Flexion-distraction and decompression is spinal manipulation. The American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians recommend spinal manipulation as primary care for low back pain of which spinal stenosis is a common cause. Cox Technic biomechanically opens the spinal canal area by 28% and drops intradiscal pressures to as low as -192mmHg, both desired outcomes when dealing with spinal stenosis which narrows the spinal canal space. Patients report relief of their spinal stenosis pain with Cox Technic and the Air Flex Flexion & Distraction Table protocols.

Attention Back Pain Sufferers

• Do you have back or neck pain when bending or reaching? • Does your pain get worse with walking? • Do you suffer with stiffness, swelling or tenderness in your spine? • If you have answered “Yes” to any of the questions, we can help.

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