Air Cadets celebrate five years in new home
Cadets and Junior Rangers program, served as reviewing officer during the May 31 an- nual inspection and review of the squadron at the Jean-Marc Lalonde Arena. The colo- nel recalled his earlier visit in February this year for a quick meet-and-greet with the cadets and their squadron leaders. “I am pleased to return,” he said, adding he was very impressed with the presenta- tion of skills and knowledge during this year’s annual inspection. “It is now your time to make a splash,” he told cadets. “The difference between his-
tory’s outstanding successes and its tragic failures hinge on diligence. Take that to the bank. It will lead you to success.” He noted that the twillick, a local bird adopted as the mascot emblem and na- mesake for the squadron, has admirable qualities for humans to emulate. It is cle- ver enough to know how far to keep out of range of hunters or hide where they cannot get a clear shot at it. It also serves as a watch and guardian for other birds, using its call of
“twillick, twillick” to warn others when any predators even as it frustrates hunters at the same time. Col. Namiesniowski compared the beha- viour of the twillick to the community ser- vice ideals of the cadet and junior rangers program. “Live for the future, and take control of your present,” he said. “Now is the time. Through your involvement and commit- ment, you inspire others.”
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
ROCKLAND | Five years ago the 832 Air Cadets Squadron was looking for a home base. This year the squadron celebrates its 40th anniversary and its now-proud name of the 832 Twillick Clarence-Rock- land Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. Col. C.R. Namiesniowski, director of the
DANS L’AFFAIRE DE LA LOI DE 1999 SUR LA PROTECTION DES CONTRIBUABLES , L.O. 1999 CHAPITRE 7, ANNEXE A AVIS est par la présente donné que, conformément à l’alinéa 4 (1) a) de la Loi de 1999 sur la protection des contribuables (« la Loi »), Andrea Horwath, chef du NPD/NDP de l’Ontario, et Kathleen Wynne, chef du Parti libéral de l’Ontario, ont déposé auprès du directeur général des élections des déclarations aux termes du paragraphe 4 (1) de la Loi. Conformément au paragraphe 4 (4) de la Loi, le directeur général des élections a examiné les déclarations et a déterminé qu’elles sont conformes aux paragraphes 4 (2) et 4 (3) de la Loi. L’avis du directeur général des élections peut être consulté à l’adresse suivante : www.elections.on.ca ou en se rendant au bureau d’Élections Ontario au 51 Rolark Drive, à Toronto, en Ontario. Fait à Toronto, le 30 mai 2014. Greg Essensa Directeur général des élections
Cadet awards list The 40 th anniversary of the 832 Twillick Clarence-Rockland Squadron saw several cadets receive special honours for their ef- forts and diligence. Duke of Edinburgh Award (bronze level): FCpl. Cooper and FCpl. Lamarche Duke of Edinburgh Award (gold level): FSgt. Liam Rozon Vern Allison Trophy for best first-year ca- det: LAC Joshua Cooper Sponsoring Committee Trophy for best corporal: Cpl. Alexandre Dellisse Olive Warren Memorial Trophy: FCpl. Jesse Campbell E.S.“Ted”Russell Memorial Trophy for best sergeant: Sgt. Maxwell Burke Sammy Sayle Memorial Trophy for top military band member: FCpl. Tyler Cooper John Antelmi Memorial Award, represen- ting the true spirit of air cadets: FCpl. David- John McMillan Lt. Fraser Memorial Trophy for top instruc- tor: FSgt. Liam Rozon 410 Wing President’s Trophy for best con- commissioned officer: WO2 Isabelle Richer Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence: FSgt. Erik Nissen Lord Strathcona Medal: WO1 Aldius Lewis
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