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TOP 20 Content Marketing Influencers on Twitter
1. Mike Schiemer @MikeSchiemer 2. Evan Kirstel @evankirstel 3. Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas 4. Larry Kim @larrykim 5. Ben Kamau @BenKamauDigital 6. Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael 7. Rebekah Radice @RebekahRadice 8. Isabella Jones @IsabellajonesCl 9. Jonathan Aufray @JonathanAufray 10. Kirk Borne @KirkDBorne 11. Bryan Kramer @bryankramer 12. The Startup Nerd @Startup_Nerd 13. Nika Stewart @NikaStewart 14. Mike Quindazzi @MikeQuindazzi 15. Antonio Grasso @antgrasso 16. Marsha Collier @MarshaCollier
What we did: We looked at the authors of the most retweeted posts (20+ retweets) that were published between January and September 2019 and contained the #ContentMarketing hashtag. These authors were ranked based on the number of likes, retweets and top-performing tweets they published.
17. Chris Do @theChrisDo 18. Kevin Lim @_kevinlim
19. Franz Russo @franzrusso 20. John Abraham @iamjony94
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