Wood that Works Edition


Magna® Herringbone

Blanco MG3005

Amazon MG3008

Cedro MG3012

Fendi MG3001

Medio MG3007

Arena MG3003

Magna® Classic & V Pro

Blanco MG3674

Amazon MG3639

Elsen MG9502

Aspen Raw MG3676

Fendi MG926

Cedro MG3670C

Marle MG9514

Grove MG13/1640/180

Cubara MG9566

Sorengo MG7884

End Grain MG2604

Quadro MG3880

Bradbury MG14110

Hornsby MG14102

Milson MG14112

Dunbar MG14116

Silverdale MG14104

Wentworth MG14114

Stanwell MG14108

Somersby MG14118

Belrose MG14100

Gosford MG14120

Chatswood MG14200

Riverstone MG14106

124 Knightsbridge MG14202

Galston MG14204

Gosford MG14206

All prices are shown per sqm unless stated and exclude VAT. Prices accurate at time of printing.

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