Wood that Works Edition

Hushwood Acoustics

Crafted to enhance both sound quality and interior aesthetics, these lightweight panels are simple to install and transport. When paired with a batten and mineral wool substructure they can achieve a high level of sound absorption. Certain decors in the Hushwood Flute Collection are available to order in a Class B Fire Rating. Please email info@hawvoods.com for further information Hushwood Flute

Key benefits:

Lightweight Easy to position and attach

Quick & Simple Easy to install in any room

Acoustics An effective sound insulation and absorption material

White on White

Oak on Grey



600mm x 2400mm

600mm x 2400mm





600mm x 2400mm

600mm x 2400mm


All prices are shown per sqm unless stated and exclude VAT. Prices accurate at time of printing.

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