V Collection
Yoga Residence
Home to Carola Chiarpenello, this London flat renovation features Havwoods’ Beaufort 1-Strip flooring from the V Collection. A yoga teacher, therapist, and neuroscientist specialising in mental health and neurological conditions, the flat is a working space and therefore needed to feel right for Carola. Having settled on the beautifully detailed Beaufort 1-Strip, the flooring is the ideal choice to accompany the materials in the flat – each chosen with durability and timelessness in mind. The warmth and natural knots and grains in the flooring create a sense of being in touch with nature, allowing the space to promote a desired sense of relaxation, perfect for a mindful working space for Carola’s clients.
Photography: Calvert Studios Product HW3719 Beaufort
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V Collection Beaufort | p80
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All prices are shown per sqm unless stated and exclude VAT. Prices accurate at time of printing.
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