Where Can You Find Funding You Can Trust?
W e at the American Asso- ciation of Private Lenders field hundreds of emails and phone calls monthly asking for referrals to lenders that real estate investors can trust. We’ve heard the bait-and-switch stories, the haphazard and stressful closings, the exhausting search of shopping a deal around. Real estate investors are looking for experience, partnership, and above all: trust. Every day at AAPL, we work to bring that trust to our industry. We set the standard for professional conduct and are the only organiza- tion that enforces a Code of Ethics. We pledge to our members to pro- vide structure and legitimacy to the private lending industry, and in turn, they promise us – and you – that they will uphold the trust you place in them.
the services in which they engage.
2. Not discriminate against bor- rowers based on sex, age, race, sexual orientation, or religion. 3. Be honest and forthright in all their dealings. 4. Only change their loan terms with just cause and perform in accordance with the agreed-up- on terms. 5. Not originate loans intending to see the borrower fail in order to obtain title to the property. 6. Adhere to all advertising laws as defined in the Truth-in-Ad- vertising Act. 7. Respect the intellectual prop- erty rights of others and comply with regulation related to copy- rights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets.
ers in Las Vegas, NV. This year will be our 10th Annual Conference on November 7-9 at Caesar’s Palace. Register at aaplconference.com to join more than 400 private lenders dedicated to learning the indus- try’s latest and best practices and find the trustworthy capital you’re looking for. Our members proudly display the AAPL Member emblem below. Look for it in your lender’s email signature and on their websites, and then visit aaplonline.com/directory to verify their membership status. You should be able to trust the people funding your business. Let us help. •
OUR MEMBER CODE OF ETHICS To be an AAPL member, members must promise to:
Each year, we host the nation’s largest gathering of private lend-
1. Adhere to all laws with respect to
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