Using Artificial Intelligence to GrowYour Business
by Rich Fettke
I n March of 2017, our company decided to introduce new cus- tomer service representatives to our website. We added a live-chat feature that placed a little pop-up window near the bottom of the screen offer- ing to answer questions immediately for visitors. To help with the inquiries, we hired several friendly “chat girls” (as they call themselves) to better guide our website visitors to get the answers they wanted. This was a great re- source at the time, but maybe even more useful were the logs of all the interactions with investors. After about a year of those live conversations, we decided to try using chatbot technology to be even more responsive with our website visitors. What is a chatbot? I like to think of them as conversation-based robots that are programmed to ask ques- tions, answer questions, and provide
resources based on design. These bots have the same, short conversations with clients and potential clients that our chat girls have, however, they’re available 24/7, they don’t need breaks, and they don’t require overtime pay. They qualify our site visitors, identify which representative they should speak with, and then they help book meetings and strategy sessions with our investment counselors. This was a great transitional move as well as being transformational. The bots are able to answer all the routine questions without assistance, while our chat girls — who still work for us, by the way — can leverage their now-considerable expertise to help with more complicated inqui- ries. They remain the caring, friend- ly, human voices on our website. Today, our chat-bots that have been specifically designed to provide
quick solutions for visitors and cli- ents. These bots have specific goals that are achieved through an auto- mated conversation. In many cases the goals are things like; identifying accredited investors, scheduling ap- pointments, and discovering who is interested in our different investment offerings ranging from single family homes to large group investment projects (syndications). It can be empowering and exciting to look for places in our business where we can help our employees evolve. Technology and artificial in- telligence does not have to be about replacing people. Sometimes, it is about helping your business and your employees evolve together. •
Rich Fettke is the Co-CEO of Real Wealth Network and an active real estate investor. Reach him at realwealthnetwork.com.
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