Crown Paints M60 Master Specification

M60 Master – Crown Paints Master M60 Specification – M60 Master

Application 711A Coating generally 1. Application standard: In accordance with BS 6150 & BS 8000; Part 12. 2. Conditions: Maintain suitable temperature, humidity and air quality during application and drying. 3. Surfaces: Clean and dry at time of application. 4. Thinning and intermixing of coatings: Not permitted unless recommended by manufacturer. 5. Overpainting: Do not paint over intumescent strips or silicone mastics. 6. Priming coats 6.1. Thickness: To suit surface porosity. 6.2. Application: As soon as possible on same day as preparation is completed. 7. Finish 7.1. Even, smooth and of uniform colour. 7.2. Free from brush marks, sags, runs and other defects. 7.3. Cut in neatly. 8. Doors, opening windows and other moving parts: Ease before coating and between coats. 711B Coating Sandtex Trade High Build 1. Spray, roller or trowel application 2. Application standard: In accordance with BS 6150 & BS 8000; Part 12. 3. Conditions: Maintain suitable temperature, humidity and air quality during application and drying. 4. Surfaces: Clean and dry at time of application. 5. Thinning and intermixing of coatings: Not permitted unless recommended by manufacturer. 6. If spraying prime overall with one coat of Sandtex Trade Fine Textured Matt in colour to match finish. Allow a minimum drying time of 4 hours in normal drying conditions. 7. When spraying use a GC 200/24 2HP compressor or larger that can continuously deliver a minimum of 80psi at 4-5 cubic feet per minute on a 3 metre (maximum) length air line to the spray gun. A GC 330 hopper feed spray gun with a 3mm air cap and tip size of 3-4mm tip size. Apply at 40psi air flow/spraying pressure with an 18” (450mm) distance from gun tip to surface being coated. 8. When applying by hawk and trowel 1-2mm thick and texture using a Sandtex Trade High Build application roller, other texturing rollers or tools. 9. Can be applied and textured with a Sandtex Trade High Build application roller. 720 Priming joinery 1. Preservative treated timber: Retreat cut surfaces with two flood coats of a suitable preservative before priming. 2. End grain: Coat liberally allow to soak in and recoat. 730 Workshop coating of concealed joinery surfaces 1. General: Apply coatings to all surfaces of components. 740A Concealed metal surfaces 1. General: Apply full coating system to surfaces that will be concealed when component is fixed in place.


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