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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 LOCK YOUR DOORS, SAY OPP The Russell detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is urging local residents to lock up their vehicles. The Russell County OPP Auxiliary unit will undertake the Lock It or Lose It initiative, a crime prevention program to help prevent thefts from motor vehicles. Auxiliary members will inspect vehicles in driveways and commercial parking lots, handing out information leaflets to residents on how to protect their vehicles. The OPP suggests that If residents see individuals acting suspiciously, they should contact the Russell County OPP at 1-888-310-1122. – Francis Racine SECOND GALA ANNUEL À LA BIBLIO Le 11 mai prochain, la Bibliothèque publique de Clarence-Rockland Public Library sera l’hôte de son second Gala annuel et collecte de fond, Il était une fois. Le Gala de cette année offrira un spectacle d’illusionniste bilingue, offert par Kayser Magic, un encan silencieux, une dégustation de vins et bières, des bouchées et desserts sophistiqués, ainsi que de la musique avec DJ Marty. Les billets sont présentement en vente à la succursale de Rockland et de Bourget. Pour de plus amples informations, composez le 613-446-5680. – Francis Racine GET YOUR MEASLES SHOT, SAYS EOHU Given the recent cases of measles in Canada and the U.S., the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is remind- ing the public to ensure that they and their children are up-to-date with their measles vaccinations. “Measles is extremely contagious and can be very serious for people who aren’t vaccinated,” said Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health at the EOHU. The measles vaccine is available free of charge at healthcare provider’s office. It is also available by appointment at the EOHU, by calling 613-933-1375 or 1 The Write Stuff Writing Contest, orga- nized through the Creating Centre and Excellent Events, is accepting entries in either French or English, both fiction and non-fiction and also poetry. Both profes- sional and amateur writers can enter for a chance at cash prizes. The competi- tion consists this year of three separate contests, each with entry deadlines of April 16, August 19, and November 4. There is no age limit and writers from outside the Champlain Township area are also welcome to enter their works. For more information on contest details and to enter submissions, send emails to 800 267-7120. – Francis Racine WRITE STUFF WRITING CONTEST



Ils étaient des milliers d’étudiants d’écoles secondaires et d’universités, le 4 avril dernier, à avoir quitté les salles de classe pour manifester contre les compressions en éducation du gouver- nement progressiste-conservateur de Doug Ford. Inquiets des changements drastiques proposés par la ministre de l’Éducation Lisa Thompson, le 15 mars dernier, les élèves ontariens n’ont pas manqué de le faire savoir haut et fort. Les étudiants de l’Ontario dénoncent ainsi les changements de M. Ford d’augmenter le nombre d’élèves en classe, de diminuer les budgets des écoles, de favoriser davantage les cours en ligne, d’interdire les cellulaires en classe et de diminuer le ratio d’enseignants. Plusieurs chants contre M. Ford pou- vaient être entendus dans la cour de l’École TFDPOEBJSFDBUIPMJRVF-&TDBMFEF3PDLMBOE jø/PUSFBWFOJS OPUSFÊEVDBUJPOøøvDSJBJFOU haut et fort de nombreux élèves. « Voulez- vous que vos enseignants perdent leurs FNQMPJTø øv BSÊQÊUÊÆQMVTJFVSTSFQSJTFTVO ÊUVEJBOUBSNÊEVOIBVUQBSMFVSjø/POøøv  ont répondu les élèves. Officers of the Russell detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to 364 calls from March 25 to March 31. On March 25, at about 6:15 p.m., they re- sponded to a disturbance on Des Pins Street JOUIF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZ5IFJSJOWFTUJHBUJPO revealed that an altercation between two NFOIBEUBLFOQMBDF5IFZDIBSHFEB ZFBSPMENBOPGUIF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZXJUI assault, causing a disturbance, and being intoxicated in public place. He is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in L’Orignal on April 17. 0O.BSDI   BU BQQSPYJNBUFMZ  a.m., officers responded to another dispute between two men, these being neighbours, PO"MCFSU4USFFUJO3PDLMBOE"TBSFTVMUPG UIFJSJOWFTUJHBUJPO UIFZDIBSHFEBZFBS PMENBOGSPN3PDLMBOEXJUIBTTBVMU)FJT scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in L’Orignal on April 24. 5IFWFSZOFYUEBZ BUBCPVUQN  officers responded to a domestic dispute on Labonte Street in the City of Clarence- 3PDLMBOE5IFJSJOWFTUJHBUJPOSFWFBMFEUIBU BOBMUFSDBUJPOIBEUBLFOQMBDFCFUXFFOB EAP NEWSROOM

On April 4, thousands of high school and university students across Ontario left their classrooms and demonstrated against the cuts in education by the Progressive Conservative government of Doug Ford. Several students from Rockland’s l’École secondaire catholique L’Escale and the Rockland Public High School participated in the protest. — photo Francis Racine

Les élèves avaient quitté leurs salles de classe. Certains d’entre eux brandissaient des pancartes affichant J’ai vu un Ford plus intelligent dans le garage de mon voisin et Cette pancarte serait plus créative, mais tu as arrêté de financer les arts . Plusieurs voitures, qui passaient sur le DIFNJOEFWBOUMÊDPMF LMBYPOOBJFOUBàOEF démontrer leur solidarité envers les élèves.

Ce sont plus de 5000 enseignants qui SJTRVFOUEFQFSESFMFVSCPVMPUÆDBVTFEF DFUUFSÊGPSNF$FÆRVPJMBNJOJTUSF-JTB Thompson a répondu, se voulant rassu- rante : « Aucun enseignant ne perdra son emploi. /PUSFTUSBUÊHJFOFQSÊWPJUQBTMF licenciement d’un seul enseignant. øv -Avec la collaboration d’Alexia Marsillo


Les agents du détachement de Russell de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) ont répondu à 364 appels du 25 au 31 mars dernier. Quelques citoyens de la région ont reçu des chefs d’accusation pour violence conjugale et possession de drogue. —archives

man and a woman. A 28-year-old man from UIF$JUZPG$MBSFODF3PDLMBOEXBTDIBSHFE with two counts of spousal assault, two counts of assault with a weapon, domestic mischief and overcome resistance by at- UFNQUJOHUPDIPLF TVGGPDBUFPSTUSBOHMF another person. He is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in L’Orignal on April 17. 0O.BSDI BUBCPVUQN PGàDFST responded to suspicious person incident on Principale Street in Casselman. The investigation revealed that one of the two men was wanted by a previous warrant. Both of them had in their possession a

quantity of crystal meth and speed pills. As a result of the investigation, 18-year-old Casselman native Matthew Guertin, was charged with two counts of possession of a controlled substance (Methamphetamine). He is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in L’Orignal on May 1. +FGGSFZ.BDMFBO BZFBSPMENBOGSPN Ottawa, was charged with two counts of possession of a schedule I substance (Methamphetamine), failing to comply with probation order, and three failing to comply with recognizance He was scheduled to appear in the On- tario Court of Justice in L’Orignal on April 1.

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