
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — NJAA Conference & Expo — May 11 - 24, 2012 — C


NJAA C onference & E xpo Over 50 years of experience The Law Firm of Ehrlich, Petriello, Gudin & Plaza


he law firm of Eh- rlich, Petriello, Gu- din & Plaza has pro-

“For over 50 years, we have successfully represented our clients in cases arising from breach of contracts, business disputes, divorce and family law issues, neg- ligence and personal injuries, collections of debts, and other varied and important matter.”

Partner Profile


vided quality legal services to clients in New Jersey and New York for more than five decades. Our law firm pro- vides a variety of services for individuals and businesses in many areas of law. Ehrlich, Petriello, Gudin & Plaza, founded in 1955, is a full-service law firm with offices in Newark, New Jer- sey, Morristown, New Jersey and New York City. You can feel confident placing your legal needs in the competent, capable hands of our experi- enced attorneys. Founded in 1955, the firm has grown in diversity of practice areas and accumu- lated experience to become one of the premier mid-sized law firms in the New Jersey- NewYorkmetropolitan area. Our clients include individu- als, small businesses, large corporations, publicly traded companies and government

ruce E. Gudin , is the managing partner of the Landlord-Tenant

was awarded the Wall Street Journal Award for outstanding academic performance. Since graduating law school Gudin has been a frequent lecturer on the subjects of Debtor and Creditor Law, Credit and Collections Risk Analysis, Advanced Landlord/ Tenant Law, Residential and Commercial Evictions in New Jersey, Commercial Leasing Considerations, and on Sec- tion 8 Housing in New Jersey. He regularly lectures for the National Business Institute, Lorman Education Services, and to the New Jersey Insti- tute For Continuing Legal Education. Gudin is also an active member of the New Jersey Apartment Association where he regularly consults on legislative issues affecting the multi-family housing industry. n

Department at Ehrlich, P e t r i e l l o , Gudin&Pla- za, PC head- q u a r t e r e d in Newark, NJ. He was admitted to practice law

and work. For over 50 years, we have successfully represented our clients in cases arising from breach of contracts, business disputes, divorce and family law issues, negligence and personal injuries, collections of debts, and other varied and important matter. We are one of the highest volume filers of landlord- tenant eviction cases in New Jersey. Partner, Bruce E. Gudin is the author of The Guide to Landlord Ten- ant and Related Actions in the Superior Court of New Jersey, which publication is considered to be the leading landlord-tenant law treatise relied upon by both judges

agencies. Our attorneys have lec- tured to industry groups, providing our expertise in diverse areas of law to other attorneys and interested members of our commu- nity. We are active members of the state and local BarAsso- ciations and industry groups that serve the needs of our clients. We are active in local government, with one of our attorneys currently sitting on a local zoning board of adjustment. We are assist- ing citizen groups and are active in local government in Newark in an effort to make Newark a better place to live

Bruce Gudin

in 1989 after graduating from Yeshiva University’s Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and is currently counsel to many Landlord’s as well as the New Jersey Property Owners As- sociation. Gudin attended undergraduate at Farleigh Dickinson University in Hack- ensack, New Jersey and C.W. Post in Long Island, NY where he received his B.S. Degree Magna CumLaude in business. While attending C.W. Post he











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