IndiesVoice Magazine March 2023

“I got of work and started drinking beer and strumming my guitar,” the NIPSCO welder recalls as he drives home to DeMotte in northwest Indiana. He looked at his framed photo of “Papa,” his late grandfather, a well-known fgure in the unions who died when Venturelli was just 2 but whose stories have been repeated to him in steel mills and union halls. Lyrics and melody started to pop. That night, Venturelli wrote three choruses and the frst verse of “Union Man.” Venturelli, who turns 30 on Saturday, started playing guitar in 2016 after he bought one and learned to play chords through a YouTube video, learning snippets of songs by The Eagles, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and country artists. Overtime at work never allowed time for actual lessons. He’d been singing in the shower and with family and friends in living rooms and at karaoke bars, then began singing in live performances in September 2018. The Venturelli Band came together about a year ago, including a guitarist who’s a union tradesman doing maintenance in apartments. The song “Union Man” is the frst of two songs Venturelli has written and recorded (four more are in the works), but it was the one that unions started to promote, leading to its speedy success. The United Steelworkers (USW), where he’s a member, along with the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, the Chicago Teachers Union, and others shared it among members from coast to coast.

You want to learn more about Nate check him out on a few of his socials listed here:

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