King's Business - 1936-12



December, 1936

W IL L C h r is tm a s C OM E To CHINA? Children of the Home of Onesiphorus, one of the largest Christian orphanages in the Orient, hear with beating hearts of the coming of Christ— empty mockery if they are without shelter, food and clothing. Help us supply their needs from the sale o f beautiful hand embroidery in delicate patterns their deft fingers have wrought. ^Suitable for gifts or personal use. _____

ward: “Laying up in store for themselves a good' foundation against the time to come.”

Helps for the Leader I. W orshiping thb G old I dol

A collector at Bombay had among his curiosities a Chinese god marked “ Heathen Idol,” and next to it a gold coin marked “ Christian Idol.” Dean Farrar says that a famous physician once told him of how he was attending the deathbed of a rich man who seemed as if he could not d ie; with aimless and nervous restlessness his hands kept moving and opening and shutting over the counterpane. “What is the matter?” asked the physician. “ I know,” answered the son for his speechless father. “ Every night before he went to sleep, my father liked to feel and handle some of his bank notes.” Then he slipped a ten-pound note into the old man’s hand; and feeling, handling, and clutching it, the sick man died.— G. B. F. H allock . II. E ternal P rofits A home missionary, Stephen Paxson, was once asked by a friend to take fifty thou­ sand dollars for him and invest it in West­ ern land, his reward to be an equal share in the profits. Paxson declined. Some years later they met. The fifty thousand dollars had been invested and doubled. Stephen Paxson drew out his notebook and pointed to his record of fifty thousand chil­ dren gathered into the Sunday-school. “ And if I had it to do over again,” he said, “ I would not change the investment.” What do you seek first?— S elected . III. T he M eeting ’ s T heme In attempting to relate the lesson topic to the Scripture reading, the leader will find that the underlying thought of the topic is not a primary theme of Scripture. Every one knows that hunger and actual privation arising from human injustice cannot be pleasing to God. But it is just as possible for a poor man to love money supremely as it is for a rich miser to do so. Let us be sure that in considering means for se­ curing better economic balance, we remem­ ber that when men have more things, they are not necessarily better . Let us place first the human soul and its attitude toward the Saviour of men.— S elected . JANUARY 31, 1937 WHAT DO I KNOW ABOUT MY CHURCH? 1 T imothy 3:14-16 Meditation on the Lesson “ The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth,” is the “ body [of Christ], the fulness of him that filleth all in all” (Eph. 1:23). It exists in this world invisible to human eyes, yet usually its members are within the visible church which exists under many names or de­ nominations. Every true believer who since the time of Christ has sincerely accepted Him as personal Saviour is a member of the true church, the body of Christ. The church is the agency to which God has committed the task of evangelizing the world. Jesus Christ is the “head over all things to the church” (Eph. 1:22), and

Ladies’ linen handkerchiefs, appliqued and drawnwork, hand turned edges, only 25c. Also dresser scarfs, luncheon sets, etc.

Christ the Only Hope ol the Helpless "A most worthy work. I want to help you,” writes one loving friend. Many are aiding with their prayers and efforts. May the Father o f all mercies move you to heed this appeal for the sake of His little ones. Write Helpfe^s.” hAddress” br0ldery ^ C°Py °f free booklet, “ Helping China’s HOME OF ONESIPHORUS American Office Drawer 1 1 2811 N. RACINE AVE. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

GLORIOUS G05PEL HVmnS “Finest Hymnal I Have Ever Seen”—Kansas City , Mo, “ Glorious Gospel Hymns” compiled and edited by Haldor Lillenas is an inexhaustible storehouse o f standard hymns and powerful gospei songs. Contains hymns and songs for every church department and use. Holds true to the fundamentals oi the truth. Order your copies today.

Beautifully printed—new reinforced cord binding. 703 num- H 3B? _hy“ ns- 353 gospel songs. Returnable examination copy sent Pastors and music committees. One copy $1.26 post- paid, $oo.00 per 100 not prepaid. Write for FREE Music Catalog LILLENAS PUBLISHING COMPANY “ The Best in Gospel Music” Dept. K , 2923 Troost Ave. A t s Kansas City, Mo.

Mother’s Last Words. A sweet and tender story of London s city life. A book that should bo read by every boy and girl, teaching them Honesty and Faith in God. Just, the book for Sunday School teachers to their scholars: (6x7) 32 pages, beautiful cover. EMM

part is striving for material wealth and neglecting “ Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom.” Worldly men do not heed the voice of God at all, and, sad to say, many Chris­ tians fail to obey Him in the use of their wealth. However, if every follower of our blessed Lord would obey the injunctions found in our text, there would be a marked change in this matter. By strong, imperatives Paul challenges the minister to “ Charge them that are rich in this world.” The charge has several aspects. The rich are to “ be not high- minded.” Riches often lead to snobbishness, but the W ord of the Lord says: “ Let not the rich man glory in his riches” (Jer. 9:23). Again, “ nor trust in uncertain riches.” The most certain thing about riches is that they are uncertain. But God remains; :therefore it is safe to “ trust . . . in the living God.” Another admonition is to “ do good.” How much lasting good one can do with money given in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, aiding churches, missions, Christian hos­ pitals, orphanages, schools, clinics—how many things can be accomplished to the glory of God with consecrated wealth! “ Be rich in good works,” says Paul. Send out missionaries, support evangelists, dis­ tribute Bibles and evangelical literature, as well as aid the needy. The rich are to be “ ready to distribute,” and “ willing to communicate.” And the result, if obedience flows from love to the givers’ Saviour and Lord, is a lasting re­

MONEY for THAT SPECIAL FUND NOTICE W e have not increased our prices on IND IVIDUAL NAM E PENCILS In Beautiful Gift Boxes THESE GIFTS W ILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO FRIENDS AND SCHOLARS. Only 12c per box of 3 Pencils (8 boxes or more) Pencils packed in Beautiful Lithographed Gift Boxes with Pupil’s Name printed on each pencil in gold color. Pencils furnished in Bright Mixed Colors. Single box of 3 Pencils— 16c— 8 boxes or more 12c each. Single box o f 6 pencils— 26c— 8 boxes or more 22% c each. Single box of 12 pencils— 43c— 8 boxes or more 33%c each. A LL PENCILS GUARANTEED, FULL SIZE regular 5c QUALITY. Gilt Tip, Red Rubber Eraser and No. 2 Medium Soft Smooth Lead. Send in an order for a single box of Pencils and see what a BEAUTIFUL and APPROPRIATE GIFT they make. Gross lots (not paeked in Gift Boxes) imprinted with your Sohool or Class Name only $3.25 per gross. Send money order or check with order. Order early to insure early delivery. We pay parcel post to any point in the United States. PENCIL PRINTING CORP. Dept. KB Dayton. Ohio

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