6. The “Search” function in Xero is very powerful for both contacts and transactions. Using this saves time hunting for something when you only have part of the information. Please note that it does not currently work on Fixed Assets, Expenses, Projects and Payroll. 7. The “Bell” icon displays the user’s notifications. It is worth checking this as it displays user access changes so would highlight any potential unapproved access of the software. 8. The “help” function grants access to a lookup function as well as the main Xero help area, Xero Central. We advise that for efficiency purposes you use this feature, as well as this guide, first when you have queries. 9. The “Files” section enables quick access to any files that have been loaded into Xero ready for processing and to upload files manually. If you use an OCR system (such as Receipt Bank) this area would not be as useful. 10. The “Settings” section is most useful when initially setting up the business in Xero or for changes in access and customisation. This is dealt with in the Settings and Security guide.
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