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Champlain Township council is helping the local historical society with a grant application to the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Council reviewed a request during its May 26 session from the Vankleek Hill and District Historical Society for speeding up the approval process for renewal of the society’s lease on the Main Street building that houses the Vankleek Hill Museum. The society is applying to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for a support grant to help with costs for repairs and improve- ments to the building. A brief to council noted that repair work is needed for some of the building’s windows and doors, and to the eavestrough. Improvements to the basement are also planned. The society can apply for the grant on its own, without any official approval or support from the township because it is an independent non-profit group. But the society needs proof that its lease agreement on the building is still valid beyond 2023 if it wants to meet the application deadline for the grant. The current lease expires the end of October this year. Council agreed to fast-track approval of a new five-year extension on the lease that XPVMETUBSU/PWFNCFSUIJTZFBSBOEFOE October 2028. The township will provide

the historical society with a letter of intent about the lease renewal that it can include with its grant request in time for the June application deadline. Administration will present council during its June session with the bylaw for approval to make everything official. Le conseil municipal du canton de Champlain a donné son approbation verbale à une proposition de renouvellement du bail municipal pour le bâtiment du musée, avec la Vankleek Hill and District Historical Society. L’approbation, qui comprend une lettre d’intention, aidera le groupe à but non lucratif à présenter une demande de subvention à la Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Le service PR Transpo a été suspendu jusqu’à nouvel ordre. -photo d’archives


2018 as a county-wide transit service that connected communities across the UCPR with fixed routes. Low ridership prompted the UCPR to transition the service to an on-demand model in June 2021, but the number of riders didn’t increase. The service was suspended on December 23, 2022 with plans to return on February 12 of this year. The return was delayed until June, but now it’s been suspended indefinitely. It was originally planned to last until 2025, and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation dedicated $2,975,534.90 in funding to it, with the UCPR providing $140,000 over the seven-year period.

The suspension of the PR Transpo sys- tem has been extended a third time, this time indefinitely. On May 31, the United Counties of Pres- cott and Russell (UCPR) announced that its PR Transpo service will remain suspended indefinitely. Service was originally supposed to resume on June 5, but according to a statement issued by the UCPR, the service continues to be plagued with “operational challenges”. The PR Transpo service was launched in

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