
Volume 4 • No. 20 • 12 pages • CORNWALL, ON • APRIL 2 AVRIL, 2014

23,000 COPIES


On the road to the STANLEY CUP

Pages 6 & 7

Quoi de mieux pour une jeune femme qui adore boire du café que de gagner une carte-cadeau de 5000$? Melissa Landriault est devenue la 43 e gagnante au Canada du concours organisé par Tim Hortons. «En tout, il y a 100 cartes-cadeaux à gagner, a expliqué Nathan Babcock, gérant de la succursale Tim Hortons du chemin Second, à Cornwall. Les propriétaires, Nelson et Michelle Matos, ainsi que le gérant, Nathan Babcock, félicitent la gagnante, Melissa Landriault. (FR) Unetassedecaféprécieuse

Une piscine de moins pour Cornwall

Meet Cornwall’s Stampman

A painful message for CCVS students

Page 2

Page 2

Page 11


communautaire Le lien community link The Seaway Lions Club Dinner meetings are held every second Wednesday of the month at 5:45 p.m. at the Navy Club, 6th Street. Toastmasters Club The club offers the opportunity to learn communication skills and provides a practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the St. Lawrence College-Room 3150 Le choix de l’évêque L’évêque Marcel Damphousse présen- tera le Pope John Paul II du 4 au 10 avril prochain au cinéma Port. Pour la somme de 10$, vous pouvez assister à sois la présentation de 14 h00 le 7 avril ou aux multiples présentations du 4 au 10 avril débutant à 19 h15. La Croix-Rouge canadienne Le programme de transport de la Croix- Rouge est à la recherche de bénévoles. Pour de plus amples détails, les intéres- sés sont priés d’appeler Sarah Wallace en composant le 613 932-0231, poste 2240 The Canadian Mental Health Associa- tion is focusing on fitness. Every Monday, from 10:30 a.m. to noon, a club walk is organized, followed by a healthy snack. More information is available by contact- ing Kristyn at 613 933-5845 extension 238 The Canadian Mental Health Association

Six time medalist visits Cornwall

cally different or of a dif- ferent sexual orientation. He showed the students slides of a young man with piercings, and a young lady with a spiky punk hairdo – noting these kids might unfairly be targeted by bullies. “If we were all the same, what would the world be like, boring?” he said. “If you don’t want to live in a boring world why are we picking on each other for being different?” Despite the fact that ev- eryone in the gymnasium agreed, bullying is perva- sive in Canadian schools. In fact, Neuts told the grades 7 to 9 students he was speaking with in his afternoon session, an es- timated 225,000 incidents of bullying happen in Canadian secondary schools annually. “You are just as guilty as the bully,”he said of bystanders. “If you’re not part of the so- lution, you are part of the problem. If you want to shut us adults up, stand up and do the right thing when you see bullying.”


CORNWALL | Mike Neuts knows too well the pain that bullying can cause. His son Myles was literally bullied to death over a $10 bet. The retired Chatham-area resi- dent implored students at Cornwall Col- legiate and Vocational School (CCVS) on March 21, to stand up against bully- ing, and to “care, make friends and make peace.” If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem Mike Neuts Neuts visited CCVS to tell the tragic story of how bullying tragically affected his fam- ily. On February 6, 1998, Neuts’ son, Myles, a grade 5 student, was found hanging on a coat hook in the washroom of his Chatham public school. He had been the victim of two bullies who thought they were having fun with a simple prank. The prank went horribly wrong, with Myles choking on his collar and necklace. Myles was rushed to hospital and later to a regional trauma centre. Six days later, Neuts and his wife made the difficult deci- sion to take him off life support. Neuts believes the 11 and 12-year-old boys who hung his son on a hook in the bathroom did so to discourage Myles from collecting $10 he had won in a bet with the 11 year-old, making it a case of bullying gone terribly wrong. The tragedy prompted Neuts to launch the Make Children Better Now Associa- tion. Among other things, the association is dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of bullying and to raising money to donate special collapsible coat hooks to

Submitted photo

Mike Neuts shares the story of how his son Myles died after being bullied over a $10 bet, during a presenta- tion at the Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School on March 21.

schools. If anything weighing more than 26 pounds is loaded on these special hooks, they will collapse. The hooks have been donated to reduce the chance of a similar tragedy affecting another child. Neuts encouraged children to think how unfair the rationale for bullying really is – particularly bullying someone who is physi-

Une piscine, située dans le parc Riverdale et construite il y a plus de 50 ans, sera rem- placée l’été prochain par un parc de jets d’eau. «La piscine est devenue trop âgée, a expliqué Christine Lefebvre, directrice des parcs pour la ville. Nous ne pouvons même plus obtenir de pièces pour la réparer.» Bien que plusieurs résidents du quartier River- dale se disent frustrés, Mme Lefebvre a expliqué que la fermeture fait partie d’un plan rédigé par la Ville en 2009. Celui-ci aurait pour mission de forcer la fermeture de toute piscine étant devenue trop âgée. Déjà, deux piscines auraient été démolies. Les frais de construction d’une nouvelle piscine sont estimés à 800 000$, comparativement à 350 000$ pour un parc à jets d’eau. (FR) Une piscine de moins pour Cornwall

Le Comité de gouvernance de l’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall est à la recherche de candidates et de candidats bénévoles pour combler des postes vacants au Conseil d’administration

The Governance Committee of the Cornwall Community Hospital is seeking candidates for vacant positions on the volunteer Hospital Board of Directors

L’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall assure les services de soins actifs et est gouverné par un conseil composé de douze bénévoles élus et six administrateurs nommés d’office. Les membres doivent assister aux réunions du conseil d’administration ainsi qu’à toute réunion ordinaire des comités. À titre de bénévoles d’une société de bienfaisance, les membres du conseil d’administration ne sont pas rémunérés pour leurs services. Les administrateurs seront choisis selon leurs compétences, leur expérience et leurs qualités personnelles. L’Hôpital vise un équilibre au sein du conseil tout en tenant compte des besoins uniques de la Société au moment voulu. Les personnes qui veulent poser leur candidature au conseil d’administration doivent se procurer un formulaire de demande en communiquant avec nous : Tél. : (613) 938-4240, poste 2262 Téléc. : (613) 930-4502 La date d’échéance pour les mises en candidature est le vendredi 18 avril 2014.

Cornwall Community Hospital provides acute care hospital services and is governed by a board of twelve elected volunteers and six ex-officio directors. Board members are expected to attend meetings of the Board, as well as regular committee meetings. As volunteer directors of a charitable corporation, board members are not paid for their services. Directors will be selected according to their skill, experience and personal qualities. The hospital seeks a balance within the board while considering unique requirements of the corporation at the time. Individuals who wish to be considered as a candidate for membership on the Board of Directors are requested to obtain an application form by contacting us: Tel: (613) 938-4240, Ext. 2262 Fax: (613) 930-4502 The deadline for applications is Friday, April 18, 2014. F186441_TS



Le club des 100 000$ continue de croître D’autres personnes travaillant pour des organismes publics ont rejoint le select «club des 100 000$», en 2013, selon les dernières données rendues publiques par le ministère ontarien des Finances.

l’éducation et secrétaire, a reçu 182 257$. Au Conseil des écoles publiques de l’est de l’Ontario, la directrice générale, Édith Du- mont, a reçu 179 780$. En comparaison, le député provincial de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Grant Crack, a reçu 133 217$, l’ancien premier ministre Dalton McGuinty, 174 694$, et la première ministre Kathleen Wynne, 198 521$. Voici une liste d’autres personnes dont la rémunération dépasse les 100 000$.

Parmi ces hauts fonctionnaires gagnant plus de 100 000$ par année l’an dernier, on re- trouvait le directeur du Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario, Dr Paul Roumeliotis, qui a reçu 308 935 $. Au Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien, Céline Cadieux, directrice de

Bureau de santé Robert Van Oort, vice président - Services de l’Entreprise,

Rita Gervais, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Christine-Chantal Gratton, direction d’école 118 082$ Daniel Gratton, direction service de l’informatique 111 598$ Jacques Héroux, direction d’école 119 340$ Louis P. Houle, direction d’école 119 340$ Martine-Jeanne Jean-Vézina, direction d’école 119 340$ Yves Joanette, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Sylvie Labrèche, direction d’école 129 340$ Nathalie Ladouceur, conseillère pédagogique 111 007$ Louise Lafontaine, direction adjointe d’école 100 007$ Claude Lafrenière, enseignant 100 683$ Pascal Lalonde, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Natalie Lalonde-Legue, direction adjointe d’école 107 199$ Jean Lamadeleine, direction adjointe d’école 107 199$ France Lamarche, surintendante de l’éducation 145 124$ Jean-Sylvain Lapensée, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Martin Lavigne, surintendant des affaires et trésorier 147 104$ Roxanne Lebrun, direction adjointe d’école 106 684$ Brigitte Lefebvre-Malyon, direction d’école 108 116$ Maryse Legault, direction services pédagogiques maternelle 112 076$ Jacynthe Leroux, direction d’école 119 340$ Lyne Levac, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Josée Lortie, direction d’école 119 097$ Alain Martel, surintendant de l’éducation 146 293$ Pierre Morin, direction d’école 119 340$ Gaby Myre, direction d’école 119 800$ Debbra Newton, direction d’école 119 340$ Vincent Nguyen Van Mai, direction service des ressources humaines 111 599$ Christine Pageau, direction adjointe d’école 107 199$ Josée Picard St-Louis, direction services pédagogiques 107 965$ Michel Racicot, direction d’école 114 316$ Guillaume Racine, direction d’école 119 340$ Lyne Racine, surintendante de l’éducation 126 748$ Mannon Racine, enseignante 101 398$ Patrice Racine, direction d’école 119 800$ Linda Reilley, enseignante 100 691$ Martin Robitaille, direction d’école 119 800$ Monique Rondeau, direction d’école 119 340$ Denis Séguin, enseignant 104 470$ Sonya Séguin, enseignante 104 470$ Anne Simard, direction adjointe d’école 106 778$ Denis Tardif, direction d’école 119 340$ Charles Tittley, direction adjointe d’écol 106 787$ Nadine Trépanier-Bisson, direction d’école 119 340$

François Turpin, directeur associé de l’éducation 148 861$ Nancy Turpin, enseignante 119 177$ Simon Vinet, direction service des communications 111 599$

Marc Hurtubise, direction d’école 122 047$ Chanda Hutt, direction adjointe d’école 102 410$ Jean-Louis Jean, direction d’école 122 047$ Caroline Johnston, direction adjointe d’école 100 979$ Jean-Guy La Prairie, enseignant 104 518$ Céline Labrèche, direction d’école 118 871$ Anne Laflamme, direction d’école 131 186$ Dax Lafrenière, enseignant 100 513$ Lucie Lahaie, direction du Service Éducatif 115 692$ Diane Lamoureux, direction d’école 109 059$ Roch Landriault, direction-adjointe du Service Technique 137 493$ André Larouche, direction d’école 131 243$ Louise Lauzon, direction d’école 115 693$ Chantal Leclerc, direction d’école 122 515$ Philippe Lemieux, direction du Service Informatique 122 047$ Brigitte Lepage, direction adjointe d’école 101 958$ Monique Lépine, direction adjointe d’école 107 478$ Ann Mahoney, direction d’école 122 279$ Joanne Mantha, direction d’école 115 693$ Dale McLellan, direction adjointe d’école 122 046$ Marcel Morin, direction d’école 122 516$ Tanja Morin-Kovacevic, direction d’école 102 559$ Renée Najbor, enseignante orientation secondaire 100 387$ Susie Ouellette, direction d’école 122 516$ Mohand Ousalem, enseignant au secondaire 107 727$ Jean Pelchat, enseignant réussite à l’élémentaire 102 053$ Julie Anne Perry, enseignant réussite au secondaire 101 384$ Claude Pierre-Louis, direction d’école 114 242$ Sylvie Pinel, direction d’école 105 229$ Mariette Poitras, enseignant réussite à l’élémentaire 100 833$ Daniel Marc Proulx, direction d’école 122 516$ Manon Provost, détachement externe - Centre Jules Léger 129 620$ Martine Quesnel, enseignante réussite à l’élémentaire 101 199$ Francine Ravary, direction d’école 122 047$ Paul Rouleau, coordonnateur des transports 100 578$ Normand Roy, enseignant 101 100$ Danielle Ryan, direction-adjointe du Service des Finances 100 825$ Diane Sandre, direction d’école 112 947$ Hans Schryburt, direction adjointe d’école 101 455$ Carole Séguin, direction adjointe d’école 102 748$ Annie Sicard, direction adjointe d’école 102 748$ Hedwige Sully, direction d’école 109 059$ Jean-François Thibodeau, direction du Service Éducatif 112 512$ Denis Turbide, direction d’école 122 516$ Mathieu Vachon, direction d’école 109 489$ Stéphane Vachon, surintendant 148 987$ Dominique Vielleuse, direction adjointe d’école 107 069$

113 625$

Linda Cleroux, directrice de programme, Patricia Gauley, directrice, prévention, Nicole Laplante, directrice, protection,

100 442$

Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario

120 124$

121 424$ Suzanne Ross, adminstratrice, 153 233$ Frank Spagnolo, directeur, finances, infrastructures, 120 124$

Ismael Abdi, direction du Service Éducatif 122 047$ Hakim Amine Aidouni, direction d’école 121 578$ Lucie Archambault, direction d’école 122 046$ Aélie Arsenault, enseignant réussite à l’élémentaire 116 250$ Andréanne Beauchesne, direction adjointe d’école 107 069$ Marjolaine Beaulac, enseignante orientation secondaire 100 747$ Josée Bédard, direction adjointe d’école 100 976$ Renée Belhumeur, direction d’école 122 047$ Roxanne Berthelot, direction d’école 122 046$ Martin Bertrand, surintendant 134 325$ Stéphane Bigras, direction adjointe d’école 105 211$ Jocelyne Binette, enseignante réussite àl’élémentaire 112 509$ Christian-Charle Bouchard, direction d’école 115 692$ Pierre Campeau, direction d’école 121 577$ Luc Carrier, direction d’école 122 044$ Cécile Catalfo, direction adjointe d’école 107 069$ Martine Charbonneau, direction d’école 122 516$ René Chiasson, direction d’école 122 047$ Élaine Constant, direction d’école 122 046$ Colette Coté, direction d’école 127 771$ Claude Deschamps, direction d’école 144 345$ Patricia Diaz, direction d’école 121 751$ Carole Dignard-Lafrance, direction d’école 100 592$ Francine Dubé, direction-adjointe du Service des Ressources Humaines 103 446$ Jean-Pierre Dufour, surintendant 146 776$ Edith Dumont, direction de l’éducation 179 780$ Carl Dussault, direction d’école 112 082$ Rachid El Keurti, direction exécutive 144 968$ Lise Fauchon, direction du Service des Finances 129 240$ Sonia Gaal, direction du Service des Ressources Humaines 122 046$ Guylaine Gagné, direction du Service Éducatif 123 395$ Najat Ghannou, direction adjointe d’école 104 909$ Stephan Groleau, direction du Service Technique 116 586$ Marilyne Guevremont, chef des communications 107 069$ Francine Hotte, direction adjointe d’école 101 791$ Suzanne Houle, direction d’école 122 046$ Hélène Hudon, direction d’école 122 046$

Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien

Yanick Barrette, direction d’école 119 340$ Chantal Beaudry, direction d’école 119 340$ Stéphane Beaulne, enseignant 105 684$ Michel Bédard, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Renée Bédard, enseignante 101 265$ Julie Bellavance, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ François Belle-Isle, enseignant 106 013$ Luc Belle-Isle, direction adjointe d’école 100 597$ Mario Bisson, direction d’école 119 800$ Dyane Bissonnette, direction d’école 119 340$ Sylvain Boisvert, direction d’école 119 340$ Benoit Boulerice, direction d’école 119 340$ Daniel Boulerice, enseignant 106 393$ Daniel-Pierre Bourdeau, direction d’école 119 340$ Marius Bourgeoys, direction adjointe d’école 111 268$ Chantale Bourque, psychologue en chef 104 197$ Céline Cadieux, directrice de l’éducation et secrétaire 182 257$ Paul Cadieux, direction d’école 119 340$ France Campagna, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Yves Carrière, direction d’école 119 800$ Lynn Charbonneau, adjointe à la surintendance de l’éducation 121 512$ Martine Matola Charbonneau, coordonnatrice services pédagogiques 107 465$ Julie Charland, direction d’école 119 328$ Sylvain Charlebois, directions service des finances 111 599$ Francine Chayer, direction d’école 119 340$ Marc-André Chouinard, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Francine Ciccarelli, direction d’école 119 340$ Louise Courville-Baaklini, direction d’école 119 800$ Denis Désaulniers, direction d’école 119 340$ Pascale Desjardins, direction services à l’élève 107 965$ Claude Deslandes, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Denise Dumais, direction adjointe d’école 106 787$ Lori Fraser, direction d’école 110 459$ Carl Gagnon, direction adjointe d’école 106 778$ Annick Gaudreau, enseignante 100 090$ Denise Gauthier, enseignante 100 003$

The $100,000 Club keeps growing  gŏđŏ

Other people working for public organizations in the region joined the $100,000 Club in 2013, according to figures released by the Ontario Fi- nance Ministry. Among those at the top was Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, who received $308,935.

Training Officer, Fire Services $105,930 Marc Fortin, Constable, Police Services $108,892 Larry Frappier, Constable, Police Services $112,323 Alan Fraser, Platoon Chief, Fire Services $115,650 Kurt Fraser, Sergeant, Police Services $157,321 Diane Gibeau, Executive Assistant, Police Services $104,472 Melanie Groulx, Constable, Police Services $112,023 Robert John Hickley, Deputy Chief, Fire Services $100,960 Patrick Huygen, Constable, Police Services $117,171 Mary Johnson, Director of Nursing $104,367 Anthony Joseph, Constable, Police Services $120,291 Shane Kelly, Constable, Police Services $107,979 Jason Kilger, Constable, Police Services $116,937 George Knezevic, Sergeant, Police Services $157,187 Carole Lalonde, Constable, Police Services $102,935 Dave Langlois, Constable, Police Services $106,605 Christine Lefebvre, Division Manager, Parks & Recreation $106,291 Matthew Lemire, Constable, Police Services $104,115

Shawn Martelle, Sergeant, Police Services Chad Maxwell, Constable, Police Services Morris McCormick, Manager - Environmental Richard McCullough, Chief - Fire Services Robin McIntosh, Constable, Police Services Robert Menagh, Manager - Human Resources David Michaud, Sergeant, Police Services

Police Services



Connie Troutman, Constable, \Police Services



André Turbide, Chief - Emergency Medical Services $104,367$ Andrew James Van Veen, Captain, Fire Services $110,645 Scott Virtue, Constable, Police Services $103,594 Kevin Wells, Constable, Police Services $141,506 Shawn White, Staff Sergeant, Police Services $128,171 Stephen Whitehorne, Constable, Police Services $119,043 Emma Wilson, Constable, Police Services $122,488


United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry


Benjamin De Haan, county engineer $116,487 Vanessa Metcalfe, treasurer $121,331 Michael Otis, planner $110,568 Timothy Simpson, Chief Administrative Officer $149,854 City of Cornwall Maureen Adams, General Manager - Financial Services $149,847 Danny Aikman, Deputy Chief, Police Services $159,643 Stephen Alexander, General Manager - Planning, Parks & Recreation $151,858 Mark Anderson, Constable $125,572 Andrew Arbic, Constable $119,669 Robert Archambault, Constable $113,829 Pierre Baril, Captain, Fire Services $110,293 Travis Bergeron, Constable $101,003 Marc Bissonnette, Sergeant $159,679 Darrell Blakely-Bazinet, Constable, Police Services $100,105 Normand Boucher, Information Technology Manager, Police Services $132,331 Robert Burnie, Inspector, Police Services $203,083 Trevor Butler, Sergeant $127,640 Sherri Cameron, Constable $114,006 Lawrence Campeau, Constable $118,424 Ryan Campeau, Constable $107,623 Rachel Carpenter, Sergeant - Detective, Police Services $141,112 Jeffrey Carroll, Sergeant $159,911 Myles Cassidy, Chief - Emergency Medical Services $131,761 Austin Clark, Constable $111,828 Daniel Cloutier, Constable $106,606 Robert Cotnam, Captain, Fire Services $109,887 Scott Coulter, Sergeant $170,542 Reid Cousins, Captain, Fire Services $111,099 Gilles Crepeau, Platoon Chief, Fire Services $116,499 Cliff Crites, Senior Fire Prevention Officer $103,110 $131,761 Jamie Day, Constable, Police Services $107,093 Rodney Degray, Constable, Police Services $103,234 Martin Depratto, Constable, Police Services $107,288 Patrick Depratto, Constable, Police Services $120,481 Jody Dewar, Captain, Fire Services $111,992 Daniel Doyon, Constable, Police Services $123,874 Derek Duchesne, Constable, Police Services $136,201 Matthew Dupuis, onstable, Police Services $114,295 Larry Eamer, Platoon Chief, Fire Services $113,565 Dana Emerton-Proulx, Platoon Chief, Fire Services $114,530 James Fawthrop, Engineer $108,470 Alexander Fenton Murray, Mark Boileau, Manager - Economic Development Scott Bonneville, Officer, Police Services $124,303 $104,012 Debora Daigle, Manager - Social & Housing Services



$149,909 Kelly Michaud, Captain, Fire Services $107,482 Jason Mines, Constable, Police Services $126,970 Elaine Moquin, Court Supervisor - Police Services $129,705 Steven O’Reilly Captain, Fire Services $107,516 Patrick Paquette, Constable, Police Services $127,275 Debbie Parisien, Information Services Manager - Police Services $117,497 John Marc Parisien, Human Resources Manager - Police Services $172,961 Daniel Parkinson, Chief - Police Services $214,938 Jennifer Payment, Constable, Police Services $108,283 Laurier Pierre Pilon, Staff Sergeant, Police Services $191,943 Emidio Piunno, Constable, Police Services $131,808 Norm Quenneville, Administrator Glen Stor Dun Lodge $124,303 Luc Richer,Captain, Fire Services $110,998 Michel Riel, Constable, Police Services $110,045

St. Joseph Hospital

Kim Gillet, Director of Care Anthony Ingram, Director, Support Services



Shivon Konink, Health, Safety and Education Coordinator Anita Roach, Director, Finance and Administration Shirley Alguire, Registered Nurse Mario Alibrando, Director Information Technology Heather Arthur, Vice President Patient Services & Nursing Officer Jennifer Barkley, Director Diagnostics & Respiratory Kathy Bisson, Director of Equipment and Logistics Mary Baril, Registered Nurse


$105,320 $115,645


$164,202 $121,438

Normand Levac, Chief Administrative Officer


George Levere, Sergeant - Detective, Police Services $ William Lister, Deputy Chief - Emergency Medical Services Jeffrey MacDonell, Constable, Police Services Tommy MacKay, Constable, Police Services David MacLean, Constable, Police Services Daniel Maille, Staff Sergeant, Police Services





Diane Boulerice, System Application Specialist Susan Bowman, Registered Nurse Heather Butt, Registered Nurse $105,788 Sherry Ciampaglia, Registered Nurse $149,298 Carolle Coleman, Registered Nurse $121,786 Melody Crites, Manager Inpatient Psychiatry & Resource $101,133 Margaret Darling, Registered Nurse $101,779 Jeanette Despatie, Chief Executive Officer $247,975 Nicole Diruvo, Registered Nurse $102,899 Debra Duquette, Registered nurse $109,252 Violeta Encica, Pharmacist $101,124 Ginette Ferguson, Director, Emergency Room/ Operating Room Operations & Performance, $124,019 Margo Flaro, Registered Nurse $122,349 Jacqueline Gaines, Registered Nurse $100,074 Debra Graham, Registered Nurse $112,043 $104,436 $100,077

Christopher Rogers, Chief Building Officer




Brian Snyder, Staff Sergeant, Police Services Shawna Spowart, Staff Sergeant, Police Services




Troy St. Germain, Sergeant,


23 000 copies

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.:

613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798

Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , François Bélair , Directeur des ventes et développement • Sales and Development Manager , François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, Julien Boisvenue, Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. Publicité • Advertising : Nouvelles / News: Classées • Classified : Distribution :

Cornwall Community Hospital

Nancy Grant, Registered Nurse Alain Greig, Vice President Support Services Karin Hagen, Manager of Finance



Carolle Hollingsworth, Registered Nurse

$100,158 $103,947

Publié tous les mercredis par • Published every Wednesdays by La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell 1100 Aberdeen, Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6122 1 800 267-0850 Total Distribution totale: 23 000 copies # convention: 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.

Alice Hull, Registered Nurse Sarah Kaplan, Manager, Assault Sexual Abuse Program $101,231 Peter Kennedy, Director Quality & Risk $111,803 Lee Ann Laflamme, Registered Nurse $101,326 James Laforty, Registered Nurse $128,602 Michel Lamothe, Director Human Resources $121,562 Lynn (Sam) Larochelle, Registered Nurse $105,829 Heather Laurin, Registered Nurse $114,518 Kiven Lauzon, Registered Nurse $107,918 Karyl MacEwen-Brissson, Psychologist $116,475 Lori Markell, Registered Nurse $109,077 Continued on page 5

Représentation nationale/National representation Sans frais / Toll free : 1-800-361-6890

Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.

Continued from page 4 Janice McCormick, Director Pharmacy, Critical Care & Chronic Disease $113,862 Amie McCosham, Registered Nurse $127,806 Peggy McGrath, Registered Nurse $103,637 Greg McMillan, Director of Community Mental Health Services $112,549 Eva Moore, Pharmacist $102,895 Wendy Moses, Registered Nurse $115,719 Beverley Murphy, Registered Nurse $116,257 Patricia O’Shaughnessy, Registered Nurse $124,569 Christine Owen, Registered Nurse $100,467 Christine Penny, Vice President Addiction & Mental Health $138,801 Carol Racine, Registered Nurse $101,077 Drupatie Ramsarup, Registered Nurse $115,478 Wanda Renwick, Registered Nurse $106,533 Gwen Rombough, Senior Director Finance & Decision Support $135,568 Anne Rougeau, Registered Nurse $104,876 Anish Sanghavi, Pharmacist $103,611 Lorne Scharf, Chief of Staff $120,000 Mohammed Shaheen, Pharmacist $110,867 $103,540 Monique Stefanich, Registered Nurse $100,212 Natalie Strangelove, Manager Assertive Community Treatment Team $103,169 Stephen Sutherland, Vice President Operations $193,372 Jo Ann Tessier, Director Medicine $119,115 Angela Thompson-Tourangeau, Registered Nurse $114,990 Donna Trasuk, Registered Nurse $107,579 $114,754 Monique Antoine-Hartley, principal $114,144 David Armstrong, psychologist $121,739 Elizabeth Armstrong, principal $111,468 Deborah Banks, Principal of System Performance Excellence $124,025 Joellen Bauder, vice-principal $124,025 Brenda Beaudette, principal $124,025 Darryl Beck,principal $111,455 Dominique Bertrand, vice-principal $106,002 Beverley Bethune, principal $114,144 Tracy Bielby-Barton, teacher $102,805 Ann Blackburn, vice-principal $112,063 Constance Boros, teacher $110,700 Peter Bosch, manager of Construction Renewal and Capital Plans $105,733 Christopher Boston, principal $114,783 Dawn Bouchard, principal $114,754 Christian Boulay, labour relations specialist $124,025 John Bourne, vice-principal $106,375 Nancy Bowman, human resources partner $124,025 Gail Brant-Terry, principal $115,744 Brent Brown, vice-principal $104,740 Patricia Brown, principal $124,025 Chad Brownlee, principal $124,025 Karen Bryan, principal $114,754 Anne-Marie Bulbeck, principal $114,754 Sarah Bulpit Hill, teacher $101,148 Dorothy Cameron, vice-principal $106,678 James Campbell, vice-principal $104,740 Jeffrey Campbell, principal $124,025 Ian Carswell, associate Deena Shorkey, Manager Children`s Mental Health $102,055 Paula Sleeman, Director of Patient Access and Community Liaison $113,514 Michel St. Onge, Director Continuous Improvement Nicholas Van Egmond, Director Housekeeping $101,231 $107,420 $100,763 Wendy Watson, Registered Nurse MarianWatt, Registered Nurse Upper Canada District School Board Sean Addis, Guidance teacher Valerie Allen, superintendent of education Sarita Anderson, principal $103,144 $154,730

director of education $189,615 Trent Carter-Edwards, vice-principal $102,205 Lianne Chaput, vice-principal $103,565 Jennifer Charbonneau, principal $111,455 Carmela Ciocio, principal $122,473 Derek Cole, principal $111,183 Connie Coleman, teacher $102,681 Gordon Cooke, principal $123,081 David Coombs, superintendent of education $162,540 Scott Corden, principal of Teaching for Learning $124,025 Shelly Corlyon, principal $124,025 Dave Corney, principal $121,154 Robert Currier, principal $131,125 Phil Dawes, planning and research officer $116,169 Dale Dixon, vice-principal $109,754 Lea Doxey, vice-principal $113,296 Kristen Drouin, resource teacher $100,535 Carole Dufort, principal $120,754 Susan Edwards, superintendent $162,540 Lyle Ferguson, vice-principal $116,285 Ronald Ferguson, principal $118,821 Stephen Ferguson, principal $114,754 David Fisher, vice-principal $106,678 Kevin Fisher, principal $116,844 Nancy Fitzpatrick, principal $123,478 William Foster, teacher $100,353 Dean Fournier, principal $114,754 Ronald Francis, teacher $103,214 Margaret Fritz, principal $114,754 Kathia Gagnon, teacher $103,538 Richard Gales, superintendent of business $118,779 Terry Gardiner, Principal of Continuous School Improvement $124,025 Janet Gellately, vice-principal $107,141 John Gow, principal $131,125 Angela Grandy, principal $115,725 Kelty Grant, principal $114,144 Janet Hall, labour relations specialist $105,710 Sharon Halladay, principal $131,125 Robert Hammond, teacher $100,679 Nancy Hanna, principal $114,754 Christopher Hannah, vice-principal $100,777 Paul Hannah, principal $110,066 Eric Hardie, principal $119,451 George Hart, teacher $102,347 Joe Harty, principal $114,127 Christopher Hawthorne, principal $111,455 Charles Benjamin-Hayfron, principal $114,754 Victoria Hemming, superintendent $154,730 JeremyHobbs, chief information officer $162,540 Nancy Homan, vice-principal $101,447 Trevor Holme, vice-principal $109,262 Jane Holski, principal $114,754 Jane Bain Hume Bain, principal $111,455 Frank Hummell, Principal of School System Success $124,025 Alison Inglis, chief psychologist $132,927 Shane Johnston, teacher $101,383 Trisha Johnston, principal $104,125 Nancy Keech, vice-principal $104,740 Janet Kellar, principal $114,754 Daryl Kelly, principal $114,754 Susan Kelly, principal $114,754 Karen Kennedy, guidance teacher $101,567 Kieran Kennedy, principal $114,754 Michael Kennedy, principal of program $113,351 Christie Labrash, vice-principal $101,447 John Lalonde, Principal of Student Support Services $124,025 Guy Lamarche, principal $124,025 Paul Leroy, principal $106,695 Donald Lewis, principal $124,025 Marnie Lindsay, principal $111,455 Janice Longo, teacher $140,337 Bill Loshaw, principal $124,025 David MacDonald, vice-principal $109,754 Donna MacGillis, vice-principal $109,754 Lesley Mackellar-Birtch, vice-principal $102,831 Jennifer MacLachlan, vice-principal $101,447

Ron MacLaren, Manager of Purchasing and Administrative Services Krista Mano, principal Eric Marsland, teacher Katharine Martin, teacher Nancy McCaslin-Barkley, superintendent of business Stacey McCready, principal Mary McCrimmon-Leduc, Robert McDonald, teacher Roxane McDonell, vice-principal Laurie McElheran, principal Crystal May, teacher Harold McInnes, principal Ewen McIntosh, vice-principal Jennifer McMaster, principal

Peter Onstein, vice-principal Danielle Ouellet, vice-principal Charlotte Patterson, superintendent of Human Resources David Pier, vice-principal Teresa Polite, principal Timothy Power, vice-principal Christie Reitsma, vice-principal Matthew Robinson, vice-principal of E-Learning Shelley Riddell, principal Jill Pensa, principal Alan Perry, principal Mhairi Rowland, principal Susan Rutters, principal Debra Schouten, principal Douglas Searle, principal Cynthia Séguin, vice-Principal Robert Shaheen, teacher Sandra Sine-Szirtes, Principal of System Performance Excellence Jacqueline Slowey, vice-principal Jane Smith, Human Resources Manager of Special Services Tracy Staples, vice-principal Randy Stevenson, vice-principal Dianne Stroud, vice-principal Toby Sebalj, principal Stephen Sharp, principal Silvia Speck, principal

$109,754 $102,618 $162,540 $114,144 $114,144 $109,185 $100,743 $109,754 $103,963 $105,067 $109,047 $111,455 $124,025 $106,695 $113,219 $114,754 $114,754 $108,331 $124,025 $117,932 $100,855 $116,176 $114,144 $101,447 $115,349

$105,733 $114,754 $100,514 $103,748 $113,074 $128,780 $110,210 $108,774 $101,241 $114,754 $114,754 $124,025 $104,032 $114,144 $101,379 $123,562

Riley McMullen, teacher Marsha McNair, principal

Desiree McWilliam, vice-principal $100,608 Walter McWilliams, guidance teacher $102,177 Kimberly Melvin-Long, principal $106,695 Tim Mills, Executive Director of the Upper Canada Leger Centre $154,730 Jennifer Moore, principal $108,774 David Morrison, principal $114,754 Suzanne Morrison, principal $114,754 Susan Neilson, vice-principal $100,608 Casey Robert Nelson, vice-principal $100,681 Amanda Nieman, principal $112,291 Brad O’Neil, vice-principal $109,754

$100,608 Continued on page 8

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Guy Lafleur is known as The Flower

Carey Price is 27

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The Canadiens were born in 1909

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Brian Gionta wears the ‘‘C’’

Michel Therrien is behind the bench for a second time.

1 -________________________ 2 -_________________________ 3 -_________________________ 4 -_________________________ 5 -_________________________ 6 -_________________________ 7 -_________________________ 8 -_________________________ 9 -_________________________ 10 -________________________ 11 -_________________________ 12 -_________________________ 13 -_________________________ 14 -________________________ NAME: _____________________________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:_________________________________________________ FILL IN THE COUPON AND BRING IT OR SEND IT TO LE/THE JOURNAL’S HOCKEY CONTEST, 625 MONTREAL ROAD CORNWALL, ON K6H 1C3

CONTEST RULES ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 14 QUESTIONS ON MONTREAL CANADIENS HOCKEY CLUB.ANSWERS CAN BE FOUND INADVERTISEMENTS BELOWORONTHE CANADIENS WEBSITE. FILL IN THE COUPON AND BRING IT OR SEND IT BEFORE 11 A.M. ON MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014. THE DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE AT 11:15 ON THAT DAY AT LE/THE JOURNAL’S OFFICE. 1. In what year were the Canadiens founded? 2. What was the name of the player known as “The Flower”? 3. Who is the new coach of the Colorado Avalanche’s team who also played for the Habs?

4. What number was Henri Richard with the Canadiens? 5. Who is the General Manager of the Montreal Canadiens? 6. As of today, how old is Carey Price?

7. What number does Brendan Gallagher have? 8. What was the name of “Rocket” Richard? 9. What was the name of the Canadiens’ team Captain wearing sweater number 4? 10. What position does P.K. Subban play? 11. Who is the current team captain of the Montreal Canadiens? 12. What is the first name of Pacioretty? 13. Who is the youngest player of the Montreal Canadiens? 14. Who is the current coach?

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Patrick Roy and the Colorado Avalanche

Alex Galchenyuk just turned 20 in February.

Continued from page 5 Wayne Suttner, teacher Kyle Taugher, principal Susan Thain, principal Danny Thomas, teacher Jacob Swarbrick, guidance teacher $109,697 David Thomas, director of education $219,000 Geoff Trasuk, principal $137,285 Heather Van de Glind, resource teacher $102,675 Jason Wagensveld, vice-principal $101,840 KevinWebster, teacher $103,319 Kellie Weir-Burtt, vice-principal $103,993 Ray Westerndorp, principal $114,754 Trevor Wheeler, principal $111,800 Mary-LynnWilcox, vice-principal $108,491 Mark Williams, principal $116,887 Richard Zeilstra, teacher $103,599 $106,683 $100,836 $114,754 $114,754

School Effectiveness John Healey, principal

$158,273 $121,180 $103,897 $121,180 $106,572


Kevin Hogan, vice-principal Richard James, principal

OBO studios hosts Sweet Allure workshop

Julia Jesmer, principal

Thomas Jordan, Superintendent of School Effectiveness Bernie Kehoe, Manager of Plant Operations & Maintenance



David Kennedy, principal $112,784 Krista Kiifner, supervising psychologist $109,703 Donna Koekkoek, principal $121,180 Paula Kolodzie-Moffat, vice-principal $105,569 Stacey Krol, vice-principal $105,569 Caroline Labelle, principal $109,984 Theresa Lalonde Pankow, principal $112,784 Katherine Laushway, principal $112,784 Dan Lesser, principal $109,984 Armando Lopes, principal $109,739 Kennedy MacDonald, principal $112,784 Paul MacDonald, principal $110,442 Walter MacDonald, vice-principal $105,733 Paul Mantha, principal $109,739 Suzanne Joy Martel, principal $110,791 Shannon McDouglad, principal $112,784 David McLeod, principal $107,111 Cindy Morgan, consultant, religious education $100,318 Mark Musca, superintendent of school effectiveness $160,051 Donna Nielsen, principal $112,784 Bonnie Norton, superintendent of business & treasurer $121,463 Christopher Oldford, principal $109,984 Danny Palumbo, vice-principal $105,569 Paula Perrault, principal of special education $121,180 Marlene Picard, principal $112,784 Katherine Pilon, curriculum consultant $100,041 Nancy Prest, principal $103,753 James Proulx, manager of information & communication technology $115,167 Shawn Retty, vice-principal $102,935 James Roberts, principal of religious education $121,180 Charlotte Rouleau, superintendent of school effectiveness $144,527 Renée Rozon, principal $118,382 Ralph Sharples, principal $112,538 Marg Shea-Lawrence, superintendent of school effectiveness $154,124 Richard Soudant, educational data analysis coordinator $101,934 Deanne Strong, principal $108,586 Stephanie Swenson, principal $112,784 Stephane Wilcox, vice-principal $100,314

Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario

Sylvie Bédard, principal

$112,784 $110,198 $112,784 $114,551 $121,180 $118,382 $105,790 $118,382

Beverley Bellefeuille, principal Judith Boucher, principal Brent Boviard, principal John Cameron, principal Natalie Cameron, principal Karen Carrière, principal David Chaplin, principal Daniel Conway, principal

$118,382 Linda Coughlin, curriculum consultant $100,318 Kenneth Crosby, principal $121,180 Michael Crossan, vice-principal $104,021 Dan Curtis, vice-principal $105,733 Frances Derochie, principal of curriculum $121,180 Kevin Dionne, coordinator of continuing education $100,857 Barbara Dobrowolski, Ontario Eastern Catholic Teacher Association President $103,285 Frances Dupuis, French consultant $102,418 John Paul Elliott, principal $112,784 Catherine Empey, principal $115,707 Shelia Farris, principal $121,180 Dawn Fewer, principal $103,718

Dale Fobert, Ontario Eastern Catholic Teacher Association vice-president

$100,666 $102,562 $205,708 $107,679

Susan Forbes, principal

William Gartland, director of education & secretary Michael Glofcheskie, Special Education Consultant Gordon Greffe, associate director of education Heather Gerber, principal

Submitted photo


OBO studios held their Sweet Allure workshop on March 29 at their studio at 44 Pitt Street. Tickets were sold out as painters from all walks of life adorned their canvas with lively colors. Pictured above is Celine Allaire, along with her masterpiece. (FR)

$134,316 $112,194

Robert Hannigan, principal

Donaleen Hawes, Superintendent of

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