Duggal® Vision to Visuals 2020, v1.2

L IGHTBOXES Dugga l br i ngs 50 year s o f expe r i ence t o t he f o r e f r on t o f v i s u a l c ommu n i c a t i o n s and cus tomer engagemen t to digi tal signage, display and interact ive merchandising.

Duggal provides ful l service, concept - to-creat ion displays. From 3D renderings to digi tal content showcased in custom fabricated fixtures installed and maintained global ly. We produce highly customized single instal lat ions as wel l as create and manage dynamic networks of over 1,000 locat ions. Our digi tal team appl ies their knowledge and experience of the newest technologies i n t he des ign of un ique mu l t imedia exper ience packages. We are a value- added di s t r ibutor for premier screen manufacturers global ly and of fer many unique and exclusive technologies.


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