DIGITAL COMMERCIAL PRESS Duggal i s home to t he HP Indigo 5900 and 12000 digi tal shee t fed pres ses . These 7 color Indigo presses pr int wi th
astounding speed and detai l , al lowing us to produce top-qual i ty brochures , photo books, cards, por t fol ios, point of purchase visuals, invi tat ions, di rect mai l and market ing mater ial s in run lengths from one to thousands of pieces. Variable data print ing al lows us to customize each piece for different audiences in continuous print runs. Wi th the abi l i ty to pr int onto cardstock as thick as 18 pt . , the Indigo 12000 is a more eff icient al ternat ive to tradi t ional of f set pr int ing for shor t - to-medium- run commercial pr int ing needs . I t requi res
no plates and can produce anything f rom a one-of f to a high volume run of tens of thousands of pieces. Ou r I nd i go p r es ses a r e c omp l eme n t e d b y o u r ex t ens i ve ons i t e f i n i sh i ng capabi l i t i es i nc l udi ng foi l stamping, binding, cutting and laminat ion services. Projects produced on Duggal’s Indigo presses have won mul t iple Excel lence in Print Awards.
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