Practice Promotions INSIDER'S Newsletter - August 2019

3 Tips to Get More Online Reviews for Your Practice


PT Website Generates 13 New Patient Leads in 12 Days

Daniel Serafin Digital Marketing Manager

1. Ask in Person The best time to ask for a review is in person. You don’t have to wait until the patient is ready for discharge but it is best to wait until they’re seeing results from treatment. 2. Make It Fun For Patients Highlight and reward those that do leave a review. Some of our clients feature a “Wall of Fame” in their clinic with the patient’s photo and review, or offer entrance into a free giveaway or drawing. 3. Train Staff You’ll get the best response when asking for a review if it’s done by the person the patient has the closest relationship with. This means training your entire team when and how to ask for review. Make it fun for your staff by holding a contest with a prize for the person who gets the most 5 star reviews, or a gift card for each review that they generate. Just remember, that review can generate more new patients for you!

13 New Patient Leads in 12 Days

215 Digital Newsletter Readers

We recently launched a new website for our Ultimate client Eastside Sports Rehab in Washington. Their already killing it with these results!

Check out what they’re doing to get these awesome stats: • Eastside sports expands their email and social media reach with digital newsletters integrated with their website. Over 215 readers have opened the latest issue already! • Sending out a monthly print newsletter to all past patients generating more call-ins and reactivated patients. • Upgraded their website to a PT Performance site with a Chatbot to convert more website visitors. They saw 13 new patient leads in 12 days! • ImprovedtheirSEOandwebsitebuttonsto increasecall-insandappointment requests. • Increased their social media and blog postings to drive more traffic to their website. • Their new Eastside sports app works to retain patients, market their website, and generate more online reviews.

Webinar Trainings and Replays

Did you know?.... You can access the videos and slides for all of our client training webinars right from this page:

Keep an eye out for emails and Facebook posts in the Insider’s Circle about upcoming monthly webinars.

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