At MCCSC, we are committed to partnering with families to ensure student success. We know this means serving a diverse community of students with a varied set of learning needs, including students with disabilities, students who are English language learners, and students who are designated high ability. As a school corporation, we developed a tier of supports that customize instruction, intervention, and enrichment. This means our highly qualified teachers build relationships with you and your child, engage varied approaches to assess needs, and deliver specially designed instruction to meet the unique learning needs of your son or daughter. In MCCSC, no matter what you need, we are there for you. Here is a visual representation of our tiered system of supports.
• Alignment to
Intensive Intervention: instruction for students with significant academic or behavioral needs
classroom assessments • Additional time for content/ skill remediation • Targeted small groups • One-on-one • Pre-teaching/reteaching • Alternative instructional delivery
Strategic Instruction: explicit instruction and/or guided practice in targeted key areas
Core Curriculum • Course specific standards-based, grade-level instruction • Grade-level reading and • Differentiation • Inclusive practices • Implementation of student- centered learning plans writing embedded in content instruction • Social and emotional learning • Equity-oriented curriculum
Core Instruction: grade-level, standards-based instruction for every learner
Services for Diverse Learners (e.g., high ability, special education, English language learners) are individualized and available at every tier of support
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