

RHS presents: Baskets For… the Russell Sports Dome

Russell High School was hosting their 3 rd annual “Baskets For...” event on December 22, with all proceeds going to the Russell Sports Dome. The evening showcased a double header with RHS alumni and senior boys’ teams taking on those of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School. —photo Vicky Charbonneau


School (STA) basketball teams. This was part of their 3 rd annual Baskets For event, each one supporting different groups and organizations. “We did the first one when I heard the story of Jonathan Pitre and felt like I had to do something,” said Kim- berly MacKinnon, teacher at RHS. “I asked my senior boys and girls if they wanted to

put on this event and they were all over it. I asked my friend Danik Lafleur from STA if he wanted to play against us and they were game. I planned and organized the event which raised over $2000 for Jonathan. Last year we did it for the Kawabunga group in Embrun and this year I decided to do it for the Russell Sports Dome, since a huge num-

ber of our students will be using the Dome come the spring.” The funds were raised through ticket sales, raffle tickets featuring donated items from locals, canteen/bake sale as well as half-time games.The amount raised will be presented this coming February.

Russell High School (RHS) was hosting a special event on December 22, with all proceeds going to the Russell Sports Dome. It consisted in a double header showcasing RHS and St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic High

Les Vikings s’inclinent devant les Blue Wings


Hosting Finland teams in Casselman The Eastern Ontario Wild AAA Hockey associa- tion and the Eastern Ontario AA Cobras Hockey Association are pleased to be hosting visiting AAA and AA teams from Finland.The games will be held in the Casselman J.R. Brisson Complex. The puck drop for AAA will be at 1:30 p.m. followed by the 3:15 p.m. AA game. The East- ern Ontario Hockey Association, known as AAA Wild, strives to provide young athletes with a high quality developmental experience while promoting teamwork, respect, commitment, and achievement in a structured, positive and dynamic environment. Le 22 décembre dernier, les Vikings clôtu- raient l’année 2016 en accueillant une des meilleures équipes de leur division sœur. Malheureusement, les BlueWings de Perth ont eu raison d’eux, en remportant lematch avec un pointage final de 5 à 1. Aucune des deux équipes n’est parvenue à loger la rondelle derrière la ligne rouge lors du premier vingt. Par contre, après 44 secondes jouées en deuxième période, les visiteurs ouvraient finalement la marque en déjouant le gar-

On December 22, the Casselman Vikings closed the year 2016 hosting the top team of the Richardson division. Unfortunately, the Perth Blue Wings won the game with a final score of 5 to 1. —photo archives

Lors du troisième engagement, en plus des punitions qui se sont accumulées de part et d’autre, l’équipe de Perth parvenait à faire bouger les cordages à trois autres occasions, scellant la marque finale avec un écart de 4 points. Les BlueWings de Perth et les Vikings de Casselman occupent toutes deux le premier

dien de but. Casselman a trouvé lemoyen de répliquer lorsque Isaac Barr a touché la cible, égali- sant le pointage. Par contre, il s’agissait du seul point de la part de l’équipe locale lors de cette rencontre. Par la suite, Perth en a profité pour se donner une avance d’un but, avant la fin de la période.

rang de leur division respective, soit Richard- son et Martin, avec le même nombre de points, au compte de 53, au sein de la Ligue de Hockey du Centre du Canada de niveau 2. La saison reprendra son cours dès le 5 janvier, alors que Casselman rencontrera les Glens d’Alexandria, toujours à domicile.

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