Advanced PT: Improve Health With Flexibility

Doctors At Bay A plank is a simple exercise that anyone can do to improve their core strength. This exercise helps you strengthen so many of your muscles, guiding them to work together. Your core muscles are vital to the health of your low back and spine. If you suffer from an achy back or neck, then try doing this exercise to feel better. How to do a plank (If you are unsure about doing this exercise, call us first) Experience the many health benefits of one simple daily exercise.

1. Start by lying face down. You may want to put a pillow under your abdomen if it is uncomfortable to lie flat. 2. Bring your elbows underneath you, then gently rise up onto your elbows and knees, so that your abdomen is off the floor. 3. Keep your abdomen tucked gently in so that your body is straight without sagging. 4. Try to hold this for 30 seconds if you can. You may feel your muscles shake a little while doing this, which means they are working! 5. It is important to start off with small increments and build over the course of a week as you become stronger. 6. To advance the plank and make it more difficult, lift your knees off the ground, keeping your body straight. 7. Ideally, you should be able to hold this positon for 2 minutes. 8. You may have some soreness the next day as you are using muscles that have not been worked that way in a while.

For a healthy spine, keep doing your exercises and remember our physical therapists need to see you for a check-up. You see your dentist every 6 months to keep you teeth and gums healthy. Why not your PT? Your physical therapist is the mechanic for your whole body to keep your spine and extremities moving like they should. Detecting a problem early can lead to a simple treatment solution that can save you a lot of pain, and financial burden down the road. Call us today to speak with your therapist about your problem, before it becomes a PROBLEM. You see your doctor every year, your dentist twice a year, when was the last time you saw your physical therapist?

Do you want a natural solution to improving your health? Gain your freedom from pain medication and avoid costly surgery with physical therapy!

We can help you: Naturally relieve stiffness and swelling. Prevent aches and stiffness. Be more active with your friends and family.

Have more energy. Feel better at work.

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