Sumner College Catalog

Financial Aid Policies

be requested. High School Completion Students must provide one of the following documents that indicate their High School completion status at the beginning of the 2024-2025 year: • A copy of a High School diploma. • A copy of a final, official High School transcript that shows the date when the diploma was awarded. • A copy of a General Educational Development (GED) certificate or GED transcript. • An academic transcript that indicates the student successfully completed at least a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree. • A copy of a secondary school completion credential for homeschool (other than a High School diploma or its recognized equivalent) if state law requires home schooled students to obtain that credential. • A transcript or the equivalent, signed by the parent or guardian of a homeschooled student that lists the secondary school courses the student completed and documents the successful completion of a secondary school education in a homeschool setting. Students who are unable to get one of the documents listed above must contact the financial aid office. Institutional Verification Policy & Procedure What is verification? The verification process is a process where the institution will require the student/spouse/parent to provide documentation to support the data reported on the FAFSA and printed on the SAR/ISIR. It is anticipated that about 30% of the students will be selected for verification by the United States Department of Education (USDE) via its contractor (CPS) or by the institution’s Financial Aid Office (FAO). How do I know that my application has been selected? The verification flag will have a value of “Y,” and next to the EFC will be an asterisk referring to a comment in the student section of the SAR that tells applicants they will be asked by their school to provide documentation. For 2023-2024, verification tracking flags will place the student in one of five verification tracking groups, which will be explained later. The institution must verify any information in which there is a reason to believe it is incorrect on any application. Students with these ap- plications are considered to be selected for verification by your school even though you may not be verifying the same data as for CPS- selected applications. The institution, at its discretion, may require a student to verify any FAFSA information and to provide any reasonable documentation in accordance with consistently applied school policies. Regardless whether the application was selected by CPS or by the institution, all other verification requirements, such as deadlines and allowable tolerances and interim disbursement rules, apply equally to all students who are being verified. What items need to be verified?

Once the student is placed in a group, each group contains different items that need to be verified. Verification of Tracking Groups V1-V5 Students who are selected for verification will be placed in one of the five following groups, V1, V4, V5. The group determines which FAFSA information must be verified for the student. The data to be verified would correspond to the data reported by the student, the student’s spouse and/or if applicable, the parent whos data was also included in the FAFSA. Items to Verify Per Group Assigned Verification tracking groups the data to be reviewed will correspond to V2 Reserved V3 Reserved V4 Custom Verification Group. Tracking flag V4 V5 Aggregate Verification Group. Tracking flag V5Items to Verify 2023 - 2024 Tracking Groups T ax F ilers : V1 V3 V4 V5 A djusted gross income X X U.S. income tax paid X X U ntaxed portions of pensions X X IRA deductions & payments X X T ax - exempt interest income X X E ducation credits X X H ousehold size X X N umber in college X X S upplemental N utrition A ssistance P rogram (SNAP B enefits ) X C hild support paid X S tudents who are not tax filers must verify the following : I ncome earned from work X X H ousehold size X X N umber in college X X H igh school completion status X X I dentify / statement of education purpose X X C ertification & S ignature X X X The FAO may require documentation of reported FAFSA information of the data required in each of the following groups: V1 Standard Verification Group. Tracking flag V1


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