Reform Judaism - Siddur


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Psalm 29 1 A Psalm of David Ea ¨d Give due honour to God, divine beings! Give due honour to God’s

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awesome power! 2 Give the honour that is due to God’s name. Worship God in the beauty of holiness!

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3 God’s voice is over the waters, present in the thunder’s crash. God rules over stormy waters. 4 The voice of God is power, the voice of God is majesty! 5 The voice of God breaks cedars; God shatters the cedars of Lebanon, 6 making them skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like young oxen.

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1 Mizmor l’David Ea ¨d Havu ladonai b’nei eilim, havu ladonai kavod va’oz.

2 Havu ladonai k’vod sh’mo, hishtachavu ladonai b’hadrat kodesh. 3 Kol Adonai al ha–mayim, eil ha–kavod hir’im, Adonai al mayim rabbim. 4 Kol Adonai ba–ko’ach, kol Adonai be–hadar. 5 Kol Adonai shoveir arazim, vay’shabbeir Adonai et arzei ha–l’vanon. 6 Vayarkideim k’mo eigel, l’vanon v’siryon k’mo ven r’eimim.

thunder is another ‘voice’of God. But this power is not destructive, rather it gives us the strength to endure, to hold fast to values and to hope. So the last word of the Psalm, shalom , takes us directly into the peace of the Shabbat. The distance from God we experienced at the beginning of the week, ‘they will never come to the rest I wish for them’, is now set aside. We stand on the threshold, the ‘time outside of time’ that lies before us, the holiness, the special ‘rest’, that makes the Shabbat.

hk Psalm 29 We complete the journey back to God. We ended Psalm 99 with God’s kedushah , ‘otherness’, ‘transcendence’. But the key word that opens and closes Psalm 29 is kavod , literally‘weight’, the ‘heaviness’, the ‘presence’of God within the world. Where human and divine meet, in the temple, all proclaim God’s kavod . The power of that meeting is pictured as a storm, sweeping through the land of Israel from the heights of Lebanon to the Sinai wilderness. Each flash of lightning and

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