Reform Judaism - Siddur

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7 God’s voice splits the lightning shafts, God’s voice whirls the desert sand, 8 God whirls the desert of Kadesh. 9 God’s voice makes the wild deer calve,

it strips the forest bare – while in God’s temple all cry ‘Glory!’

10 God was enthroned at the flood; God is enthroned, Sovereign forever. 11 God give strength to Your people, God bless Your people with peace.

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7 Kol Adonai chotzeiv lahavot eish. 8 Kol Adonai yachil midbar, yachil Adonai midbar kadeish. 9 Kol Adonai y’choleil ayalot vayechesof y’arot, uv’heichalo kullo omeir kavod. 10 Adonai la–mabul yashav, vayeishev Adonai melech l’olam. 11 Adonai oz l’ammo yittein, Adonai y’vareich et ammo vashalom.

icec dkl L'CHAH DODI

Early Reformers in the nineteenth century were concerned about certain specific messianic hopes in Jewish liturgy, particularly for the return to the land of Israel, the rebuilding of the temple with its sacrificial cult, and the restoration of the Davidic monarchy. These are central themes in the mystical hymn L’chah Dodi . The 1930 edition of Forms of Prayer only included the first two and the last verses. In the 1977 edition, verse 5 was added to the Friday evening service, but the full text was included in the song anthology. In this edition we have included the entire text within the service, reflecting the more traditional practice of some congregations within the movement, but indented and coloured those passages which most congregations omit.

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