Reform Judaism - Siddur

On the NewMoon and festivals, the following prayers are added, otherwise the service continues on page 147.

d¤l£r©i .Epi«¥zFa£` i ¥Grl` ¥e Epi«¥Grl¡` r ©n ¨X ¦i §e d¤v ¨x¥i §e d ¤` ¨x¥i §e ©ri«¦B©i §e `ra¨i §e Ep«¥pFC §w ¦tE Ep«¥pFx §k ¦f x ¥k¨G ¦i §e c ¥w ¨R ¦i §e o ¤A ©gi «¦W ¨n oFx §k ¦f §e Epi«¥zFa£` oFx §k ¦f §e xi ¦r m ¦i«©l ¨WEx §i oFx §k ¦f §e .L «¤C §a©r c ¦e ¨C zi ¥A L §O©rÎlÇoM oFx §k ¦f §e L«¤W §cÇow d ¨aFh §lE d ¨hi¥l §t ¦l .Li«¤p ¨t §l l ¥` ¨x §U ¦i mi¦I ©g §l mi ¦n£g ©x §lE c ¤q«¤g §lE o ¥g §l mFi §A mFl ¨W §lE On the New Moon d¤G ©d W ¤c «rg ©d W`rx On Pesach d¤G ©d zFS ©O ©d b ©g On Succot d¤G ©d zFM ªQ ©d b ©g d ¨aFh §l FA Epi«¥Grl¡` dedi Ep «¥x §kÇof o ¥n ¨` d ¨k ¨x §a ¦l Fa Ep «¥c §wÇotE o ¥n ¨` mi ¦aFh mi¦I ©g §l Fa Ep«¥ri ¦WFd §e o ¥n ¨`

Epi«¥Grl¡` Our God and God of our ancestors, may Your regard and concern for us and our ancestors, for the time of our redemption, for Jerusalem the city of Your holiness, and for all Your people the family of Israel, be close to You and be pleasing to You. Favour us all with freedom and goodness, with grace, love and mercy, on this day of (On the New Moon) the New Moon. (On Pesach ) the Feast of Unleavened Bread. (On Succot ) the Feast of Tabernacles. Our Living God, remember us for good, bring us Your blessing, Amen and save us for a good life. Amen Amen Spare us and be kind to us according to Your promise of deliverance and mercy. Our eyes are turned towards You, for You are a Sovereign of mercy and compassion.

qEg mi ¦n£g ©x §e d¨rEW §i x ©a §c ¦aE i ¦M .Epi«¥pi¥r Li«¤l ¥` i ¦M .Ep«¥P Çog §e .d ¨Y«¨` mEg ©x §e oEP ©g K¤l«¤n l ¥`

Epi«¥Grl¡` Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu, ya’aleh v’yavo v’yagi’a v’yeira’eh v’yeiratseh v’yishama v’yippakeid v’yizzacheir zichroneinu ufikdoneinu v’zichron avoteinu v’zichron mashi’ach ben david avdecha, v’zichron y’rushalayim ir kodshecha, v’zichron kol amm’cha beit yisra’el l’fanecha, lifleitah ul’tovah l’chein ul’chesed ul’rachamim, l’chayyim ul’shalom, b’yom (On the New Moon) rosh ha–chodesh ha–zeh (On Pesach ) chag ha–matsot ha–zeh (On Succot ) chag ha–sukkot ha–zeh Zochreinu Adonai eloheinu bo l’tovah Amen U’fokdeinu vo livracha Amen V’hoshi’einu vo l’chayyim tovim Amen Uvidvar y’shua’ah v’rachamim chus v’chonneinu, ki eilecha eineinu, ki eil melech channun v’rachum attah.

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