Reform Judaism - Siddur

K¤l«¤n Epi«¥Grl¡` dedi d ¨Y ©` KEx ¨A .Wrec ¨T ©d §e lrec¨B ©d K¤l«¤O ©d .m ¨lFr ¨d .FO©r i ¦t §A l ¨N ªd §n .o ¨n£g ©x ¨d a ¨` ÎlÇoM oFW §l ¦A x ¨Crt §nE g¨A ªW §n c ¦e ¨c i ¥xi ¦W §aE :ei ¨c ¨a£r ©e ei ¨ci ¦q£g .Epi«¥Grl¡` dedi L §l¤N ©d §p L §C §a©r L §Fred §p zFxi ¦n§f ¦aE zFg ¨a §W ¦A xi ¦M §f©p §e L §ki ¦l §n©p §e L §x ¤` ¨t §p L §l ¤C©b §p i ¥g ci ¦g¨i .Epi«¥Grl¡` Ep«¥M §l ©n L §n ¦W ren §W x ¨Crt §nE g¨A ªW §n .mi ¦n¨lFr ¨d :c ©r i ¥c£r .dedi d ¨Y ©` KEx¨A :zFg¨A §W ¦Y ©A l ¨N ªd §n K¤l«¤n :u ¤x«¨` ¨dÎlÇoM dedi ©l Eri «¦x ¨d a d ¨g §n ¦U §A dediÎz ¤` Ec §a ¦r :d¨p¨p §x ¦A ei¨p ¨t §l E` «rA b mi ¦Grl¡` `Ed dedi i ¦M Er §C Ep §g«©p£` Fl §e Ep «¨U¨r `Ed :Fzi ¦r §x ©n o`rv §e FO©r c d ¨cFz §A ei ¨x¨r §W E` «rA d¨N ¦d §z ¦A ei ¨]rx¥v£g :Fn §W Ek §x ¨A FlÎEcF «d d FC §q ©g m ¨lFr §l dedi aFhÎi ¦M :Fz¨pEn¡` xrc ¨e xrCÎc ©r §e w ` d ¨cFz §l xFn §f ¦n

KEx ¨A Blessed are You, our Living God, Sovereign of the universe, great and holy in power, Source of mercy; praised by Your people; worshipped and glorified by the tongue of all who love and serve You. Therefore we praise You with the psalms of Your servant David; with prayers and songs we declare Your glory, Your greatness, Your splendour, and Your majesty. We proclaim Your name, our Sovereign, our God, who alone is the life of all existence, and whose name is worshipped and glorified forever and ever. Blessed are You God, the Sovereign praised in all worship. 1 A Psalm of Thanksgiving. Eri «¦x ¨d Call out to God all the earth, 2 worship the Divine with joy, come before God with singing. 3 Know that the God is Creator, our Maker to whom we belong, a people tended like a flock. 4 Come into God’s gates with thanks, and courts with praise, thanking and blessing God’s name. 5 For the Eternal is good, steadfast in love and faithful for all generations. Psalm 100

A selection from the Daily Psalms, Psalms 145 and 150, or the Song at the Sea (Exodus 15) on page 50 may be included here.

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