
improve. Honestly, without seeing your videos it’s hard for me to specifically say. But, if there is one thing that I think MOST people who go live could improve on, is HAVE MORE FUN! If you’re not having fun, then your audience defi- nitely isn’t having fun. Which means that they probably won’t stick around. Make sure you are excited about what you are talking about, let that shine through, and don’t worry so much about what “could” go wrong. HOW CAN I FEEL LESS ANXIOUS ABOUT GOING LIVE?

This is one of my favourite questions! Both! When I talk about doing a “Live Show” such as “The Art of Online Marketing” you want to be sharing valuable content with your audience. This is part of what draws people - you’ve promised that you are going to share your expertise. However, you don’t want that video to be business only. Snore. You want that video to be entertain- ing, and you want to infuse your personality into it!

Live Video Q&A

The title and topic are what make people show up, but those aspects are what make them stay.

Denise Alison empowers business owners to build relationships and connect with their potential custom- ers on social media, and through live video.

While this might not be a great selling point for live video, it might help you feel a bit less anxious. If you have never gone live before, chances are there aren’t that many people watching your live video. Having tons of people just show up would be a GREAT problem to have! If someone is taking the time out of their day to watch your live video, they are either there to support you, or to learn from you (not heckle you). But in all honesty, going live is a strange feeling, and it doesn’t come nat- urally to most of us.

Once you’ve gotten on track with the “live show” adding “life streams” always makes a great addition. This is where you show a bit more about you, behind the scenes, and you out and about. But you need to have value first! WHAT IS THE BIGGEST M I S CO N C E P T I O N PEOPLE HAVE ABOUT LIVE VIDEO?

This is such a great question. One of the aspects that makes live video so amazing is that it gives you the opportunity to engage with your audience in real time. But what happens if no one is biting? There are a few things I want you to keep in mind. Make sure you are overtly asking for engagement. Your audience won’t know that you want them to take action unless you ask! Start with something simple, like a one-word answer, then work your way up from there. Your goal should be to train your audience to comment, then when they get the hang of that, you can go deeper. Be engaging! If you stare at the camera like a bump on a lot, no one will want to engage with you. Be interesting and give your audience something to respond to. They aren’t just going to answer because you ask, you really need to understand where your audience is at and then tap into that zeitgeist. Don’t worry too much. Everybody wants engagement, but it’s not always easy to get. Try your best and if no one is engaging live, move on! Don’t draw attention to it. Sometimes it just takes awhile for you to find your people! HOW DO I IMPROVE MY LIVE VIDEOS? If you are already going live, it can be hard to know where to look to

It might not surprise you to hear me say: I love live video. And the reason is because everything changed for me when I really got strategic about using live video in my own business, and I want to help others do the same! We are wrapping up our series of live video articles with one last Q&A. I know you all always have some great questions about live video, and I wanted to make sure I could answer as many as I could before we changed gears and focused on other aspects of social media for awhile.

Lost of people try to make their videos “perfect” and in doing so completely strip all of the entertainment and personality out of them. Those videos are incredi- bly boring and not watched very much. SHOULD I WAIT FOR MY AUDIENCE TO JOIN ME LIVE BEFORE GETTING STARTED? NOOO!!! Because live video is, well, live, your audience can tune in at any time. BUT, that video also lives on as

I want you to picture your mom or your best friend or your amazing client on the other side of that webcam. Just pretend like you are sharing your expertise with someone that you trust, and supports you fully! SHOULD I MAKE MY VIDEOS MORE PERSONAL OR BUSINESS?

These were your lingering ques- tions…








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