16B — April 29 - May 12, 2016 — Owners, Developers & Managers — Engineer Spotlight | 8th Annual Greater Philadelphia Facility Management Show — M id A tlantic
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The Falcon Group Asphalt mix design should be getting more attention than it does!
o you know what as- phalt mix you’re get- ting in your upcoming asphalt pavement improve- ment project? The Falcon Group is here to help and make sure you feel confident and knowledgeable before making any decisions moving forward. Superpave: Providing Long-Lasting and Durable Solutions Did you know there are more than 10 types of asphalt mixes available at a typical asphalt plant? There are even specific asphalt mixes for asphalt curbs D
and tennis courts surfaces. The asphalt mix type should be specified for your application based upon several variables including traffic frequency, expected vehicle loading, topog- raphy and expected weather conditions, to name a few. At The Falcon Group, we review the site-specific conditions of your roadways to specify the proper asphalt mix design best suited to your needs. Since asphalt has been an integral component for roadways and parking areas; engineers, designers, and con- tractors have been specifying
asphalt pavement based upon a mix design called Marshall mix design method which was originally developed in 1939. In 1987, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) conducted research into developing new methods to specify, test and design asphalt materials and pave- ments which then resulted in the implementation of the Superpave design method which most asphalt plants now manufacture and sup- ply. Superpave stands for Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements. All mix design method goals are to determine the optimum proportions of aggregate and asphalt cement to be used in an asphalt pave- ment mix. The Marshall mix design method and the lesser known Hveem method, are empirical and therefore, can- not accurately predict how asphalt would perform until after construction is complete. The main difference with Superpave is that it allows a mix design to be perfor- mance based which relies on the relationship between laboratory analysis and field performance after construc- tion is complete. While Mar- shall mixes and lesser known Hveem design methods are selected solely on traffic im- pact, Superpave mixes are se- lected based upon the range of pavement temperatures expected for pavement ser- vice conditions. This results in a pavement material that has been tested to be more resistant to rutting, fatigue cracking, low temperature cracking and has also re- sulted in extended paving temperature requirements and reduction in fumes/odors during the manufacturing process. Based upon this research and the need to improve the performance of asphalt surfaces due to increased loads and traffic, The Falcon Group specifies various mixes of Superpave for our clients. We would be happy to schedule time to dis- cuss this at your next board meeting. The Falcon Group of- fers comprehensive civil, structural & MEP engi- neering as well as archi- tectural and energy con- sulting services to multi- family residential, com- mercial and educational facilities. n
Subsurface Investigations • Construction Inspection and Testing Geotechnical Design & Analysis • Environmental Site Assessments and Remediation • Clean Fill Testing • Carbonate Site Assessments Stormwater Infiltration Testing • Laboratory Soils Testing www.earthengineering.com Corporate Headquarters: 610-277-0880 • Lehigh Valley: 610-967-4540 Central PA: 717-697-5701 • South Jersey: 856-768-1001
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