
Real Estate Journal — Engineer Spotlight | 8th Annual Greater Philadelphia Facility Management Show — Owners, Developers & Managers — April 29 - May 12, 2016 — 21B

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E ngineering | 8 th A nnual G reater P hiladelphia F acility M anagement S how By Glenn Ebersole, Hollenbach Construction, Inc. The Millennial Generation of architects and engineers will change the workplace!


it was normal to work for one company for a very long time. However, that is not the case with Millennials. In fact a 2012 survey showed that a Millennial expects to stay at a job for less than 5 years. Knowing this employers of Millennial architects and en- gineers need to be concerned about future turnover among Millennials, since this surely will become a factor into at just about the time whenmany Baby Boomers will be entering retirement. The A/E industry is constantly evolving and sees increasing competition. There-

fore, it is crucial to understand what inspires the Millennial A/E talent and to be prepared to retain and recruit needed A/E employees. Preparing for the Millenni- als requires being proactive and providing some very im- portant items. Some of these include: A FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE A 2013 study by PwC showed that 64% of Millennials like to occasionally work from home. Today’s technologymakes tele- commuting easy and efficient, while also enabling real-time communication, file sharing,

and meeting facilitation with anyone at the office. A flexible schedule will help keep a Mil- lennial satisfied with his or her job, and will create & enhance the feeling that management is understanding and caring. And this builds confidence in leadership, which is essential to higher A/E retention rates. A CLEAR UNDERSTANING OF THE COMPANY’S VISION, MISSION&COREVALUES Millennials need to hear and see that the company’s vision, mission and core values are stressed in all the company does. They want to work for

a company with strong val- ues. The Millennials want to make a difference and seek to become involved in community service through volunteering and outreach efforts. APATHFORADVANCEMENT Millennials look for a path for advancement within their company. They are eager to learn as much as possible about their field, and they want to be fairly compensated. It is important to provide an understanding of the advance- ment process, especially dur- ing the hiring process. Millen- continued on page 22B

ook around in today’s workplace and it is very obvious that today’s

work force is undergoing s igni f i cant fundamen- tal changes. Eve r y day we observe that: 10,000 Baby Boom- ers are turn-

Glenn Ebersole

ing 65 and there is a growing number of them heading into retirement; the Gen Xers are running businesses and organizations and the Millen- nials (with the oldest now in their early 30s) are preparing to and moving into the busi- ness mainstream, including architectural and engineer- ing firms. The diversity of generations in the workplace and successfully navigating this personnel change is a real challenge to the Architectural/ Engineering (A/E) community. Today’s architectural and engineering offices provide evidence that walls are com- ing down and floor space is opening up into trendy new designs. Where small break areas used to be common, now there are café’s and lounge areas that offer employees a relaxing escape. Workdays are sometimes cut short to ac- commodate volunteer work by employees. It is more common for employees to occasionally telecommute. The real driving force behind these changes are the Millennials! Millennials typically include anyone born between 1982 and the early 2000’s. Today, there are about 80 million Millen- nials and they are taking on the work force and influencing change. While Baby Boomers and Gen Xmade up more than half the work force a few years ago, studies indicate that by 2020 they will be outnum- bered by Millennials. The A/E community is a completely different industry today than it was at the time the previous generations entered the work place. This means the work en- vironment needs to adapt and those architects and engineers running companies need to be prepared for the Millennials. Millennials are inspired by completely different factors than their predecessors and they tend to be most produc- tive in environments that foster creativity and self-ex- pression. In past generations,

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166 Holly Rd., Boyertown, PA 19512 | P.O. Box 507 Phone: 610-367-4200 | Fax: 610-367-1020 Email: gebersole@hollenbach.com www.hollenbach.com

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