2 - L-Bracket, which is high enough (87") so that it cannot be seen at the back of the top shelf 3 - L-Bracket just like #2
4 - L-Bracket hidden under the bottom shelf 5 - L-Bracket hidden under the bottom shelf 6 - L-Bracket installed in the cleat under, which is hidden below the bottom shelf ● If an L-Bracket is going to be visible, then a plastic L-Bracket cover should be used to cover it. ● When finished installing a wall, walk it and pull against the unit. Does it hold fast to the wall, or does it pull away? If it pulls away anywhere, then add more fasteners. ● Consider the children who will be climbing on our closet systems and how we want them to remain safe. It's less about the warranty and more about the children. Save the children.
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