
With the summer of 2012 on the wane, we will soon have to begin making sea- sonal adjustments. We had better be prepared for any eventuality because with our wacky weather, you never know what Autumn holds in store, eh? If Spring is the season for fresh starts, Fall is for many an occasion to buckle down and return to the routine. With summer breaks having ended, it is time to return to school, night courses, clubs, teams, committees, exercises, and some serious matters as well, such as hockey. While local minor hockey organizations are preparing for another season, many fans are remembering the 1972 Summit Series. Have 40 years actually elapsed since we were glued to those incred- ible games? Just as we remember where we were when man first walked on the moon, we know exactly where we were when The Goal was scored. Neil Arm- strong, Paul Henderson. In the minds of hockey-mad kids, there was no question who was the biggest hero. Sure, Arm- strong walked on the moon, but he did not have to take on the Russians on their home ice. Game 8 of the Canada-USSR confronta- tion was so important that school teach-

all of their capital assets. We could always hope to get an injection of money from the Ontario government, but you may have no- ticed that the province has some monetary issues of its own. Good things take time. Which brings us to the crops. While the drought has had varying impact on the region, some farm- ers can look forward to some relief from the federal government. Livestock producers who are struggling as a result of extremely dry growing conditions can apply for tax deferrals, Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP Pierre Lemieux has noted. The Parliamen- tary Secretary for Agriculture observed recently that “While the effects of drought can be seen on fields in many parts of cen- tral and eastern Canada, it is still too early to know the full extent of damage to crops and feed stocks.”The late summer rains sure have been refreshing, although we obvi- ously could have used more drizzles during the peak of the growing season. However, at this point, any moisture is appreciated. Have you noticed how well some heat- loving garden plants have done this year? It is has been surely brutal for water-depen- dent fruit, especially the big ones, such as pumpkins. The high temperatures must have something to do with all those butterflies we have seen over the last few months. Those spectacular creatures are fading in our memory as the gardens and fields are cleared. Soon we will be thinking of pick- ling, sweaters and Halloween. As these lines are being written, a mist is falling. Down the street, Biscuits Leclerc cookie factory is working on a new batch. If only all industrial emissions could smell so sweet. Looks like it is time for a refreshing walk in the crisp Autumn air.

Seasonal adjustments

dence of why our governments must keep upgrading our basic public services. Easier said than done, obviously. We are all painfully aware of the constant need for road repairs. But, as we have seen in Ottawa, surface work only scratches the surface. Defects in bridges and culverts, our “hidden infrastructure,” are more difficult to spot. When weaknesses lead to failures, the results can be catastrophic, as we have seen with overpass tragedies in Québec in 2000 and 2006. You will recollect that earlier this year, the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus released the Eastern Ontario Financial Sustainability Update Project which painted a grim pic- ture of a region struggling with a limited tax base, rising debt levels and a growing need to invest in infrastructure. The document, “ Facing our Fiscal Chal- lenges,” is as interesting as the title sug- gests. It identifies numerous factors that contribute to the region’s overall financial sustainability, long-standing difficulties, capital assets, etc., etc. The rural-urban divide is huge. In cities the cost of rebuilding a kilometre of a one- lane road is split between 25 households, while in rural areas, the same cost is shared by only five households. The bottom line is that rural municipali- ties will never have enough money to fix

ers set up TV sets in classrooms. The trium- phant ending is so vivid. Paul Henderson, on the edge of the crease, slipping the puck past a prone Vladisav Tretiak. We all got the same rush again when Sid- ney Crosby scored in overtime in the Olym- pics. It is hard to believe that it has been two years since that unforgettable moment oc- curred. Time flies when you are having fun, ap- parently. Speaking of people who are try- ing to relive glory days, a while back federal Liberals – remember them? -- gathered in Montebello to discuss another leadership race. Justin Trudeau’s entry would make everyone sit up and take notice. Few were indifferent about his father. But everyone can agree that Pierre Trudeau sure did make politics interesting. If the son can recapture some of that old Trudeau magic, the die- hards may have reason to hope that the Liberals will once again rise from the ashes of the last election. It is hard to believe that at one time Glengarry-Prescott-Russell was considered such deep-red Liberal territory. While we are speaking about disappear- ing turf, no doubt many motorists were vexed in the wake of the sink hole that swallowed a chunk of Highway 174 east of Ottawa. A sobering reminder of how fragile our road systems are, the collapse is further evi-

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Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que le docteur JeffreyWackett, chirurgien général, s’est joint à l’équipe de médecins du service de chirurgie de l’HGH le 17 septembre 2012. Docteur Wackett détient un doctorat en médecine de l’Université d’Ottawa depuis 2006 et il s’est spécialisé en chirurgie générale à l’Université de Sherbrooke. Dr Wackett offre une gamme complète de services en chirurgie générale incluant les urgences obstétricales et les endoscopies. Les demandes de consultation doivent être acheminées à l’HGH par votre médecin de famille.

HGH WELCOMES A NEW GENERAL SURGEON We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jeffrey Wackett, a general surgeon, has joined the HGH surgical team as of September 17, 2012. Dr. Wackett received his medical degree from the Ottawa University in 2006 and completed his surgical residency at the Sherbrooke University.

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Dr. medical procedures covering the entire range of general surgical needs including obstetric emergencies and endoscopies. Dr. Wackett’s services are available through referrals from your family physician. Wackett performs

9h30 à 15h00 | 9:30am to 3pm





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