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4 tips for being an awesome grandparent


3. DON’T INTERFERE Keep in mind that your grandchildren’s parents may not raise their little ones the same way you would. Let them ap- proach parenting in their own way and provide input only when asked. 4. BE A POSITIVE PRESENCE Children are sometimes more comfortable opening up to their grandparents than their parents, and it’s important that you make the effort to listen to them and take them seriously. This will lead them to feeling loved and cared for and help them develop their self-esteem. Finally, do your best to find fun activities you can take part in together. While spoi- ling grandchildren with presents and sweets tends to be a part of the grandparenting gig, the most meaning- ful thing you can do is dote on them with your time, attention and love.

When it comes to becoming a grandparent for the first time, there’s so- mething of a learning curve involved. Here are four tips to help you thrive in your new role. 1. BE AVAILABLE Though family dynamics differ greatly from household to household, the most important thing you can offer is to be available for your grandchildren. In some cases, all that will be requested is that you watch them from time to time. However, some parents need a little more help. 2. RESPECT PARENTAL RULES It’s important to talk to your grandchildren’s parents to establish ground rules as well as aspects of their routine that should be maintained when they spend time with you. Occasional changes are often welcome but try to avoid undermining their parental autho- rity.

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