
Community Calendar


School boards file complaint against teachers union fidence.”

BOURGET Le Partage de Bourget has a half-price sale on winter garments. Sale runs from Jan. 17 to Feb. 2. All profits go towards the non-profit Le Comptoir familial for its community aid projects. Le Partage is located at 2259 Laval Street, and open Thursdays, 1 to 8 p.m., Fridays, 1 to 5:30 p.m., and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. CUMBERLAND The Cumberland Lions host a Family Full Breakfast for Winterfest on Feb. 16. Come down to the Maple Hall at 2552 Old Montréal Road, from 8 a.m. to noon. Cost $6 adult, $3 for children under 12. CumberlandWinterfest moves to the Heritage Village Museum on Feb. 17 for the annual Family Fun Day, noon to 4 p.m. Sleigh rides, snowshoeing, music, games, hot chocolate and more for children and parents. Free admission. EASTERN ONTARIO The Canadian Mental Health Association (Champlain East) seeks new applicants for its volunteers program. Gain valuable experience and help the community. Training and sup- port provided. For inquiries phone CMHA contact Marie-Josée Karwanyi at 613-938-0435, ext. 410, and have references and criminal record check documents ready. The Canadian Mental Health Association (Champlain East) wishes to remind residents of the call numbers for client services in the region. They are 764-0654 Casselman, 764-2055 Horizon Centre, 938-0435 Hawkesbury. 933-5849 Oasis Centre, 686-4379 Plantagenet, and 446-0537 Rockland. PLANTAGENET Les Filles d’Isabelle host their next regular meeting Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m. at the commu- nity hall. Valentine’s greetings to those having a birthday in February. A military whist card games session is planned for March 3, 1:30 p.m. at the Plantagenet Community Centre. Cost $10 per person for a table of four. Entry fee includes luncheon. For reservations phone Françoise at 673-2669 or Marie-Paule at 673-5920. ROCKLAND The 1st Clarence Scout group will hold a bottle drive in the Bourget/Hammond/Cheney area on Feb. 9, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Scouts will be going door to door to collect empty pop, wine, cooler, beer, and mixed drink bottles to help fund their summer camp program. As Sherlock Holmes would say “The game’s a’foot” when Ottawa mystery writers Mary Jane Maffini and Erika Chase drop in to the Rockland Public Library on Feb. 11 to share some of their current writing projects with mystery fans. The duo will do readings from some of their works and take questions from the audience. The mystery evening fun is from 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. at the library. Light refreshments will be served. Please bring a food item donation for the food bank. Addicted to knitting? Join fellow knitting fans Fridays, 7 to 9 p.m., at Café de Joel on Chamberland Boulevard. La Friperie de Rockland at 2815 Chamberland Street has a half-price sale on all winter clothing at the thrift store during the month of January. New clothing additions every week. The thrift store is open Thursday and Friday, 1 to 4 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All proceeds go to the Rockland Food Bank. The New Beginning Church has its NBC Freestore open the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., offering free clothing to those in need. The freestore is at 2848 Lau- rier Street, Unit 3, in Rockland. For more information phone 488-3893. The Rockland Family Centre offers free programs for children, from newborns to age 6, with their parents, plus seasonal activities. For information and registration phone Lynne or Nathalie at 446-4220 or email The calendar is at www.grou-


Pietersma noted that the total school experience for students includes both the regular classroom curriculum and extracur- ricular activities. Pietersma noted that the school districts are not asking the OLRB to order teachers to take part in extracurricular programs. “We want our teachers to come out to do them (volunteer programs) because they want to,” he said, adding teachers should still be able to choose to volunteer their time. The OLRB agreed to schedule a Jan. 25 hearing on the joint UCDSB/TLDSB com- plaint. There is no indication how soon the board may make a ruling on the issue. This hearing follows the OLRB’s previ- ous ruling earlier in January against school union walkout protest plans against the new contracts that the provincial govern- ment imposed on teacher unions under the authority of Bill 115.

BROCKVILLE | Unrest in Ontario’s educa- tion sector has taken a new turn. Two school districts are taking one of the teachers unions before the labour board. The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) and the Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) have filed a joint ap- plication with the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB). The subject of their com- plaint is the Elementary Teachers Federa- tion of Ontario (ETFO). The two districts charged the union with promoting illegal strike behaviour by urg- ing its members to abstain from volunteer extracurricular programs and activities. “We have gathered written evidence that we believe supports our position to the OLRB,” said Greg Pietersma, UCDSB chair- man. The districts claim the union has urged elementary school teachers to refrain from taking part in any volunteer extra-curricular programs or activities, whether as supervi- sors or sponsors. “Our understanding is that this directive was issued province-wide,” said Pietersma. “The actions of the ETFO local chapters and provincial representatives are affecting students, classroom and social activities, as well as relations between staff members and are seriously undermining public con-

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