

Land claim report ready for view GREGGCHAMBERLAIN Eastern Ontario. Those Algonquins living in Québec are subject to a separate treaty that the federal and Québec governments have to work out.

The land transfer matter is an issue for the City of Ottawa and several counties located along the Ottawa River. Selection of these Crown land parcels would depend on his- toric or cultural significance to the Algon- quin Nation and also current short- and long-term goals. Other concerns covered in the AIP include Algonquin harvesting rights over wildlife, including moose and deer, migratory birds, and plants, including both traditional me- dicinal plants and also timber rights. The Algonquin Nation’s conservation respon- sibilities are also included in the AIP, along with federal and provincial jurisdiction over protection of endangered animals and spe- cies at risk. Property rights are also discussed in the AIP. That includes municipal planning regu- lations still being in force on any lands that fall within the Algonquin treaty areas. Other

concerns reviewed under the AIP include parks and protected areas, Algonquin his- toric and culture protections, and who can claim to be an Algonquin and so benefit from a future treaty. Public information meetings on the draft agreement-in-principle are planned for this year. Details on where and when those pub- lic meetings will be are available from rep- resentatives for the federal, provincial and Algonquin negotiating teams. For the Ontario Algonquins phone toll- free 1-855-735-3759 or email algonquins@ For the province, phone toll-free 1-855-690-7070 or email alcinfo@ontario. ca. For the federal government, phone toll-free 1-800-567-9604 or email Revendi- cation-Algonquins-OntarioClaim@aadnc- The AIP documents and maps are avail- able for review and comment at the On- tario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs website at english/negotiate/algonquin/preliminary- draft-aip.asp. Too many driving deaths says OPP The milder winter weather blowing through the region may fool some drivers into thinking they can fall back into their usual springtime habits. That could prove fatal warns the OPP. The OPP East Region office reported more fatal crashes on the highways and back country roads in Eastern Ontario during the past year than in the previous year. Police and other emergency personnel answered 62 fatal crash calls that resulted in 73 deaths in 2012. In 2011 the highway fatalities toll in Eastern Ontario was 49 crashes with 55 deaths resulting. “These are the worst numbers since 2008,” stated Insp. Dave Springer, OPP East Region traffic and marine division manager. “Traffic safety is a must. Too many lives depend on it.” The 2012 traffic fatality statistics note that 16 deaths involved drivers or passengers not wearing seat belts and in half of those cases the deceased were thrown from their vehicles. Another nine highway fatalities in- volved alcohol. The report also noted that speeding and failure to allow for road and weather conditions were other factors in some of the fatalities.                                               !  VISION@EAP.ON.CA PRESCOTT-RUSSELL

The final treaty agreement between the Ontario and federal governments and the Algonquin Nation is not expected to be finished for at least another five years, de- pending on how fast approval of the AIP takes place for all three parties and how soon the final agreement is written and ap- proved. Issues covered under this draft AIP in- clude: the proposed transfer of $300 million in treaty payments to the Ontario Algon- quin Nation, and title transfer of at least 117,500 acres of Ontario Crown land to the Algonquin Nation. This land consists of 200 parcels of provincial Crown land varying in size from a few acres to more than 30,000 acres.

OTTAWA | Another hurdle is cleared in the Algonquin land claim process. The preliminary draft for the comprehen- sive Land Claim Agreement-in-Principle (AIP) is available for public viewing. This is not the final document but does list the main points for a future settlement agreement between the federal and pro- vincial governments and the Algonquin Na- tion. “This preliminary draft is a work in prog- ress that is still under review,” states the re- port’s executive summary, “and subject to revision by the (three) parties.” This AIP concerns the Algonquins of On- tario whose land claim is located within

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