Life Without Back Pain

KEEP THAT RESOLUTION TO GET FIT! Jeremy has been married to Hope for 18 years and has four children: Sophie 16, Stone 13, Foster 10, Brinkley 8. He lives in Collierville and remains active and supportive of the community. (Continued) He was key in the development of the hand program at the Campbell Clinic Desoto Location in 2000. For the next five years, he then served as clinic director of Memphis Physical Therapy. He opened two satellite locations for Memphis PT and operated three outpatient facilities while developing strong roots in the community. Jeremy decided to open his own clinic in the Town of Collierville in 2007 with a focus treating the people not patients. He became a Certified Mulligan Practitioner in 2007 which emphasizes manual therapy for the treatment of all orthopedic conditions. He is also certified in Dry Needling and Spinal Manipulation. Staff Spotlight JeremyH. Pittman, PT, CMP, Cert-SMT, Cert-DN

“I’ve put this Free Report together that shows you the 5 natural ways to stop your back & neck pain.”

• Is your mind on your back and neck pain instead of your life? • Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Do you feel really stiff when you try to get out of bed in the morning? • Do you have to think twice before you pick things up? If You’re Nodding Yes Then Now is The Time to Make Your First Step in The Right Direction and Take Charge of How You Feel, DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK TODAY! After treating hundreds of patients with back and neck problems, we want to share with you these 5 simple things you can do at home, to start feeling great. Jeremy H. Pittman, PT, CMP, Cert-SMT, Cert-DN

Going to the gym is not the only option in becoming more active. Activity can include many varieties of physically demanding hobbies or interests such as weightlifting, swimming, walking, playing basketball, gardening, or exercising at home. You should see an orthopedic physician before commencing any vigorous activity, if you have a history of activity related injuries. Here are some tips to help you

embrace your new years resolutions to stay fit: • Join a race by supporting a good cause. Whether it’s a 5K, 10K, or 15K, supporting a good cause will not only raize money for charity, but it will also get you closer to your weight loss goals. • Make time for activity every day. It is often easier to make it a habit to exercise in the morning, so that you don’t have to worry about it later in the day. • Stay Hydrated. Keeping your body hydrated will reduce muscle fatigue, dizziness and headaches. • Bring a healthier dish to parties. Whether it’s a potluck at work or a friends BBQ, there are many recipes available online to help you make tasty healthy dishes. • Don’t skip breakfast. Eating breakfast not only keeps you more energized but it also helps improve mental performance.


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