Pride Magazine 2022

Looking forward, with Pride! Johnson Controls JC4e network, supporting LGBTQ+ people and allies.

Looking forward, with Pride! Johnson Controls JC4e network, supporting LGBTQ+ people and allies.

Love, simply enough. I also want to celebrate my friends and how grateful I am that they live in an era where they can be true to themselves. The fight for Love isn’t over but the battles are won, one at a time. I wish to honour the LGBTQ+ community from the past, that paved the way for today’s celebrations! Sophie Brousse, HR Operations Specialist & DEI Specialist/ JC4e EMEA Programs Chair

I’ve never been in Ireland for Pride before so I’m looking forward to seeing Cork light up and come together to support equality and keep building a better more open and inclusive society for everyone! Aidan McGovern, Information Developer II

What does JC4e do for JCI?

All of us dream of living in a better, kinder, more empathic world where everyone can live their most fulfilling lives.

Now that we can be together face to face, I look forward to celebrating Pride with the LGBTQ+ community and allies. Equality is very close to my heart, and I know from experience how important being accepted and cherished is. Our identities are part of who we are, and Pride celebrates this. Chryssa Dislis, Program Manager

As JC4e, we empower LGBTQII+ communities and their allies to fight for human rights, inspiring the next generation to be themselves, and educating our employees through dialogue.

This year Pride for me means celebrating the future. Because of the pandemic, I think we have all been focused on getting through the current and surviving tumultuous times. I am looking forward to living authentically as a queer individual. Everyone has the right to live truthfully and equally, and I want to celebrate that right! Alan O’Keeffe, Information Developer II/ JC4e EMEA Programs Committee

Creating an inclusive and caring environment across the globe will lead to eradicating all forms of discrimination and negative bias.

We are stronger together, impacting positively within and outside the workplace.

Dusting off my colorful shoes that no one can ever see when I’m on a Teams meeting. Hugging everyone I meet. Dancing at a concert and singing at the top of my lungs. Diane Schwarz, VP & Chief Information Officer

I’m looking forward to embracing self-acceptance in all its forms. Self-acceptance is the foundation of Pride and a good stepping stone to love, happiness, and success for people from all walks of life. Candice Bagley, Information Developer II

I’m celebrating ….YOU! Yes! For being braver, kinder and stronger every day. You, who is reading this mag- azine, I say THANK YOU for standing up when others couldn’t, for teaching those around us who we are, for showing love to those who don’t know what it means, for speaking up and, most importantly, for being unapologetic you! Tanya Benito, Trainer, OTC,

Like every day of the year, what I am looking forward to celebrate is LOVE. Love in all its forms, without gender bias, without constrictions, without fears. Love with Pride. We can also finally go back to the streets to express our love, belonging and pride for the LGBTQIA+ community...and have some FUN! Can’t wait to get this party started! Flaminia Curti, Delivery Lead

Pride is still a protest. The LGBTQ+ community still face discrimination, in Ireland and abroad. I’m looking forward to Pride as it’s a good opportunity to renew my support and learn more about what can be done for the community. Michael Sweeney, Information Developer III

BT&S EMEALA/JC4e EMEA Vice-President

Marching and seeing Cork become even more colourful! Marie Coady, Information Developer II

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