T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
June, 1942
Mother came home, the house was strewn with scraps, and Lucy was just finishing her apron. She expected her mother to be delighted with it, but Mother just walked into the kitchen and said, “I am glad you minded me, Jane. Thank you for your obedience.” It was a hard lesson for Lucy, but a good one. We Should learn while we are small that “to obey is better than sacrifice.” LESSON STORY: In the course of time, Adam and Eve had two boys, Cain and Abel. One day, after they were grown, both of them came with an offering to the Lord. Cain brought the fruit of the ground, something he had raised with his. pwn hands. Abel brought an animal. God was more pleased with Abel’s offering than with Cain’s. Do you know why? God was trying to teach His people, from the very beginning, the necessity of a blood sacrifice in order that sin might be forgiven. You might just as well learn, too—right now while you are small—that nothing you can bring to God will ever do -as an offering for sin. You, too, must bring a blood sac rifice: that is, you must trust in the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. “The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). When Cain found that God liked Abel’s gift better than his, Cain was so angry that he killed his brother. It just shows how black his heart was, and how far from God he was, .even when he was coming with a gift. Is your heart black, too? The blood of Jesus Christ will make it clean.
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will make the altars stand. Draw hori zontal lines from one side of the altar to the other, or front and back, giving the appearance of stones. Perpendicu lar lines will be needed as well. Using a piece of paper 114x9% inches, the same color as. the altar, insert this between the two pieces of paper, so as to completely fill the slot. On the insert, parallel with each of the five stones, write the word “BLOOD.” Using the letters of this word, com plete the following words, printing on both sides of the slot, “LAMB’S BLOOD COVERS UNHOLY DEEDS.” Paste the picture of a small lamb on the top end of the insert. Follow the same procedure in making the second altar. With the insert in the slot, print the word “FRUIT.” Paste pic tures of fruit at the top protruding end of the insert. Using the word “FRUIT,” complete the f o l l o w i n g words, “SACRIFICE REFUSED, UNDER SIN’S CONDEMNATION.” Begin the lesson with the back of the altars facing the congregation and with the inserts removed.) LESSON: Here are two altars which remind us of the altars of Cain and Abel. Turning the altars around, we find printing on the front, but it does not spell anything which would give us a clew as to the meaning. Here is a picture of a lamb, reminding us of the lamb Abel brought. Underneath the lamb is the word “BLOOD.” The .writing on the altar now says, “LAMB’S BLOOD COVERS UNHOLY DEEDS.” Here is a picture of fruit, represent ing the fruit that Cain placed on his altar. As we put the fruit on the altar, we read, “SACRIFICE REFUSED, UN DER SIN’S CONDEMNATION.” The Lord Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who alone can take qjvay the sin of the world. No “fruit” of our own can ever be sufficient to atone, for sin.
Send for large sample package of Gospel tracts that make Jesus Known. - Famous for a fruitful ministry. Use them In your soul- winning w ork.. Presents the Gos pel message in many ways—In teresting, appealing and convinc ing. Also Tract Racks, Post Cards, , Cellophane Sheets, etc. Big assortment. Send only 25c. Faith, Prayer & Tract League Muskegon Hts., Mich.
TOLD T*C TWO$A££r$ . _ ANÒC//roti - f DOTTED UA/e
< 2 > — IMSÊRT STRIPS------------^ PASA/r ¡¿OAOS "‘BLOOD9
Dept. KB
SEND “Why I Love America” by Hyman Appelman to your friends. See page 232 for details. flfie J\!aim is CALLING ¡on VICTORY PACKETS Contain the most timely, effective Good News Tracts you have ever seen—tracts for a nation at war. People want them .. . _ need' them . .■ . accept them gladly. Get a packet for yourself. Send a packet to that boy in the service. A veritable wealth of material for so little cost. 25c Packet $1.00 Packet More than 50 beautiful Nearly 250 beautiful tracts and booklets . tracts and booklets . GOOD NEWS PUBLISHING CO., 322 W. Wash., Chicago
Object Lesson A ltars and O fferings
OBJECTS: Two paper altars, a pic ture of a lamb, and a picture of fruit. (Make each altar by using two pieces of gray paper 8 % x ll inches. Fold the sheets to make the size 814x5% inches. On the side where the four ends meet, cut four steps, approxi mately % of an inch in their horizon tal measurement and 1 % inches high. On one of the sheets cut a perpen dicular slot in the middle % of an inch wide and 6 inches long, begin ning % of an inch from the bottom Paste the two pieces together, leaving spaces unpasted near the slot and about two inches from each side at the bottom. The spreading of the sides
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