Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201705

It’s all about


F or example, people don’t buy insurance—they buy the peace of mind they feel when those they love are provided for. People don’t buy vehicles—they buy the pleasure of luxury, the comforting assurance of efficiency and safety, or the rush of adventure and romance. Products are the means to achieve emotional ends. Products may also be identity statements, communicating the message, “This is who I am.” And there is a deeper level involved. Beneath the feelings and the self-image that products provide, people buy products because they seek connection, and they believe certain products will help them create it. People want to be noticed, included, approved of, admired, liked, and loved. They seek relationships. That is the wonderful heart of Melaleuca! It is a business of relationships.

It isn’t a trick question, though it seems like one. When corporate sales managers quiz their sales representatives, “What are you selling?” the correct answer is not their product or service. Why? Because people don’t buy products; they buy feelings and identity— specifically, they buy the feeling a product gives them, and the identity they believe it imparts.


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