
Semaine d COOPÉ


Fair weekend for Russell Heritage Fest


dings within the village, other highlights of this year’s festival included unveiling of the society’s latest project: restoration of the original pumper "re truck which the village bought as the "rst actual vehicle for its newly-createdmunicipal "re department. Also unveiled at the Keith Boyd Museum was WorldWar One-vintage medal, earned by Hervé Filion for his actions during that global con#ict. It is the "rst war medal won

Even with major competition from the Metcalfe Fall Fair, Russell’s annual Heri- tage Festival still drew in a nice little crowd of spectators. Bob McDonald, president of the Russell & District Historical Society, estimated at least 100 or more visitors, including residents

Last-minute touches put on museum outdoor displays for Saturday’s Heritage Festival visitors.

MES AVANTAGES COOP Bonne semaine de la coopération!! Du !" au !# octobre $%!&

and out-of-town enthusiasts of heritage and history, spent part or all of their Saturday in and around Russell for the village’s annual salute to its historical roots. !at included at least a group of 20 taking in the guided walking tour along the Castor River with Ina Henry along the oldHenry property site. “You can see where the old mills were,” saidMcDonald, “and the water pump station that used to supply water for the New York Central Railway’s trains.” Along with tours of older heritage buil-

by a resident of the Russell Township area and was recovered through the society’s e$orts before it could vanish into someone’s private collection of war memorabilia. “We got word it was sale on one of those online places,” saidMcDonald, “so we snaf- #ed it up.” He added that the society made use of its reserve funds to cover the online auction price of a couple hundred dollars.!emedal is now on permanent display at the village museum.

Mayor Pierre Leroux and his family dropped by themuseum to check out some of the older maps and other heritage exhibit items during Heritage Festival weekend in Russell.

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