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Adrenaline kicked in -ZJOHPOUIFJSCFE .FMBOJFCFHBOHJWJOH birth, while Jamie scrambled to collect every UPXFMJOUIFIPVTFi*XBTUSZJOHUPDBMNIJN EPXO u.FMBOJFTUSFTTFE A phone call was placed to 911. The family was told an ambulance would be DPNJOHGSPN8FOEPWFSBOEXPVMEHFUUIFSF within ten minutes. 8JUIUIFIFMQPGUIFEJTQBUDIFS #SBEZ XBTCPSOBUøQN i*UQSPHSFTTFE WFSZRVJDLMZu TBJE UIF QSPVEGBUIFSi8IFOIFDBNFPVU *IBE to unwrap the umbilical cord from around his neck.” Jamie cleaned his son and gently put him down on his wife, to heat him up. i"XIPMFMPUPGTUVGGXBTHPJOHUISPVHINZ IFBE uIFBENJUUFEi*XBTIPSSJàFEBUUIF thought that I might have done something wrong.” 8JUIJONJOVUFTPGIBWJOHXFMDPNFUIFJS son, a total of eight paramedics showed up at their front door. Four of them were from 1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM XIJMFUIFGPVSPUIFSTXFSF from Ottawa. i5IFZXFSFWFSZIFMQGVM uTBJE.FMBOJF i5IFZXFSFXPOEFSGVM5IFZNBEFTVSFUIBU everything was all right.” In addition, one of the paramedics went even as far as retrieving salt from the family’s garage and salting their driveway, so as to not have any hazardous conditions for the baby. i4PNVDIDPVMEIBWFHPOFXSPOH uTBJE +BNJFi8FXFSFMVDLZu

Brady Marshall Warren is most likely be the first baby ever to be born on Mercury Street. Although he’s quite a baby, already able to hold up his own head, sporting curious eyes and weighing a healthy eight pounds, Brady’s entry into the world was turbulent. The practice of giving birth at home has, JO+BNJF.JDIBFM8BSSFOTPXOXPSETiCFFO happening all over the world for hundreds of ZFBST uZFUUIF8BSSFOTCFMJFWFEUIBU#SBEZ was to be delivered at the Ottawa Hospital, like his sibling. It all began on January 17, 2019, on .FMBOJF-FCMBOD8BSSFOTEVFEBUF5IF family rushed to the Ottawa Hospital fol  MPXJOHUIFCFHJOOJOHPGDPOUSBDUJPOTi0ODF we got there, we were told that she was just UIJOOJOHPVU uTBJE+BNJFi8FXFSFBMTP told to come back to triage in two hours.” 5IF8BSSFOTNBEFUIFJSXBZCBDLIPNF  JO.PSSJT7JMMBHFi8FESPWFSJHIUUISPVHIB snowstorm,” explained Jamie. i8F HPU IPNF BU BCPVU ø QN u BEEFE.FMBOJF5IFMBUUFS XIPXBTOPX FYQFSJFODJOHTFDPOEDPOUSBDUJPOTFWFSZ two to three minutes, decided to take a bath, hoping to alleviate the pain. By the time she was in the bath, contrac  tions were now lasting 50 seconds. 5IFO KVTUCFGPSFøQN .FMBOJFT water broke.

La famille Warren, qui habite le Village Morris, a accueilli un fils, Brady Marshall Warren, le 17 janvier dernier, dans leur demeure. Les parents s’étaient rendu à L’Hôpital d’Ottawa plus tôt cette journée-là, mais avaient rebrousser chemin, suite aux directives d’une infirmière. On remarque sur la photo, Melanie Leblanc_Warren qui tient Brady, ainsi que Jamie Michael Warren, père du bambin. —photo Francis Racine



Les programmes Emploi Ontario sont financés en partie par le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l’Ontario.

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