King's Business - 1938-03



March, 1938

[Continued from page 111] destination first, where it properly belongs (v. 23). 5. He preached Christ’s Descent into Hell (v. 27), but he is careful to use the Greek word “ Hades,” thus clearly distin­ guishing this temporary abode of departed spirits from the “ Gehenna” of final doom, a distinction unfortunately not made clear in the Apostles’ Creed. 6. He preached the Resurrection of Christ. This central truth, in fact, occup­ ies the largest place in the sermon because Peter understood clearly that it constituted the “key-stone” of Christian doctrine, the evidence and proof of everything else of importance (vs. 24-32). Also, as a Spirit- led preacher, Peter emphasized the thing most needed by that particular audience. This may vary, depending on circum­ stances. 7. He preached the Ascension of Christ, foreseen by the patriarch David, now be­ come a historical reality (vs. 33, 34). S. He preached the Intercessory Minis­ try of Christ, the first fruit of which was the sending of the Holy Spirit (v. 33). 9. He preached the Finished Work of Christ, at least by implication. “ It was not possible” for death to hold Him, says Peter (v. 24). But it would have been possible if He had not paid in full the debt of sin. Without complete atonement, there could have been no resurrection. 10. He preached the Final Victory of Christ, when all His foes shall become the footstool of His feet (vs. 34, 35). 11. He preached the Second Coming of Christ. All the great audience was com­ posed of Israelites (vs. 5, 22), and when Peter declared that the crucified Jesus would sometime sit upon the throne of David (v. 30), every intelligent Jew un­ derstood that that statement meant His re­ turn to earth, just as the same' preacher affirmed in his second sermon (Acts 3 :19, 20 ). 12. He preached the Deity of Christ. It was implicitly involved in practically all that Peter had said about His Messianic claims and rights, but particularly in the doctrine of His Lordship (vs. 34-36). Mrs. Slosson, in one of her beautiful stories, tells of a mother who buried her two-year-old boy, and gave up all her Sun­ day-school and church work, and spent much of her time weeping over her child’s grave. She was there on Easter Sunday, not think­ ing what the day was, when she heard a choir singing, “ He is not here. Why seek ye the living among the dead?” She was struck with a sense of the selfishness of her grief, and took up once more her work of witnessing concerning her risen Saviour. —Adapted from The New Illustrator. Peter’s First Sermon A cts 2:1-36 Memory Verse: “ The Lord is risen in­ deed” (Lk. 24:34). Approach: Last week we talked about how Peter and the other disciples tried to make the Lord Jesus stop telling them that Golden Text Illustration A cts 2:32

soon He was to die. They couldn’t believe that this was true. They didn’t want Him to talk about it. And now, because today is Easter, we are going to skip part of our story of Jesus’ life as it was written down by John Mark, and talk about

AN UNUSUAL NEW BOOK ON THE DISTINCTIVE TRUTH OF CHRISTIANITY The Resurrection of The Human Body By NORMAN H. CAMP Author o f Thinking W ith God, etc. Is Christ now living in a human body of flesh and bones? Where? W ill the bodies of all dead men be raised from the grave ? When ? Can Christians distinguish between truth and error? H ow ? These and other vital questions considered in this timely book on the outstanding message of the early; Church. Bound in blue cloth, stamped in gold ; 127 pages; attractive two-color jacket; 75 cents. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW ! The Bible Institute Colportage Ass'n 810 North Wells Street, Chicago Order Ear ly Tour Easter Communion Cups

what happened less than a year after Jesus had been telling these things to His dis­ ciples. Lesson Story: Last December we cele­ brated Christmas, in memory of the day on which Jesus came into this world. T o ­ day we celebrate Easter, remembering the day on which Jesus arose from the dead. Not long after Jesus spoke to His disciples about His coming death, the things that He told them came true. His enemies, the Pharisees, did get the Roman ruler to put Jesus to death. And how sad and lonely the disciples were! They had forgotten that Jesus had told them not only that He should die, but also that He should rise again after three days. They still hadn’t understood that He was dying for their sins. They hadn’t un­ derstood that He was going to live again and would come back to show them that He was alive so that they might know that after death they too might live. How glad they were, then, when the Lord Jesus Christ arose on that first Easter! For forty_days after He rose from the dead, He went among them helping them to un­ derstand. Then after He went back to heaven, God’s Holy Spirit came to explain these things more clearly. And now Peter, who just a short time before had begged Jesus not to talk about dying, stood up before a great crowd of people and ex­ plained this gospel message— this “good news”—to them. Ever since that time, men like Peter have been telling this message to those who are willing to listen and believe. Are you ready to believe it, as were the people to whom Peter spoke? Objects: Sixteen colored crayons, eight steel thumb tacks, a little jewel box, a card­ board bed, a spool, a toy chair, toy shrubs, a magnet covered with white paper, a piece of black cloth, and a piece of white cloth. (The crayons should include four yellow, four black, four red, and four white. Insert a steel thumb tack in the end of two crayons of each color. Sep­ arate the crayons into two groups, each group containing one of each color with a thumb tack, and one of each color without a thumb tack. Saw one end off the spool, and cut the remainder in two at right angles to the cylindrical portion. Take the part with the end on it, and drive a peg into the hole with a portion of the peg pro­ jecting from the sawed upper end of the spool. Whittle the peg small enough so that the end removed from the other portion of the spool will revolve on the peg. Drive Object Lesson C hristians and C rayons

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the type of greetings Christian people are looking for. EASTER GREETINGS—Christian sentiments, mostly with Bible Texts,—dainty, appropriate decorations. CARDS THAT ARE DIFFERENT—not found in stores—Boxed and Unboxed—good profit, no invest­ ment necessary. Write early for free Catalog and attractive Sale Plans. PEASE GREETING CARDS, INC. 264 Laurel Street Dept. K Buffalo, N. Y. WIN SOULS WITH TRACK MESSAGES OF SAYING GRACE Lost souls, that will soon pass on to eternity. Now is your opportunity. Send 25c for your Sample Package at once. FAITH, PRAYER and TRACT LEAGUE Dept. KB, Muskegon Heights, Mich.

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